Combined Men’s Choir rehearsals

Choir Men

Men in Choir

As is our tradition, the men of Concert Choir and Men’s Choir will combine in performance at MPA. To achieve this, those two groups must rehearse together after school. These dates were provided with the handbook at the beginning of the year, and they are listed on the chorus web site (

Make sure the dates below are in your calendar and that you are available. Attendance is for a grade.

February 3, 2014 (Monday)
2:30 – 4pm
Concert Choir men only

February 10, 2014 (Monday)
2:30 – 4pm
All men

February 18, 2014 (Tuesday)
2:30 – 4pm
All men

February 24, 2014 (Monday)
2:30 – 4pm
All men