Once upon a time in the deep blue sea sat a beautiful undiscovered city on the ocean floor called Atlantiseaus . The royal family of Atlantiseaus was the queen of the ocean Anahita,
with her husband poseidon and their two daughters Asrai and me Ashera. I am the oldest out of the two of us therefore got the royal crown, not only is Asrai younger then me but we are half sisters her mother passed away so she came to stay with me and dad. I’ve always been so nice to Asrai but she acts as if she doesn’t love me but she’s just a little cruel because her mother was not the nicest mermaid in the ocean if you know what i mean. I cherish my princess crown with all my heart it’s been in our kingdom for generations, the only crown more valuable,powerful and more beautiful than the royal princess crown was my mother’s crown . The royal queens crown.
One morning i awoke to swim over to the royal hall downstairs where we keep the princess crown along with other royal jewels. As i make my way towards the hall there is broken glass everywhere, then there was this weird smell. Weird yet so familiar. The Crown ! it was GONE! My father and mother come running to my screams to see what’s goin on my mothers mouth drops at the sight of an empty red velvet, trimmed in gold pillow where my crown should be. My father ask if i saw the thief i told him how i just got there seconds before he and mom did. Father immediately question the guard that should have been doing his job . “i don’t even remember what happened your highness i was stuck couldn’t move or speak it was like she put a spell on me” says the guard. “WHO who put a spell on you dammit tell me at once! “ its -it’s -…*gasps* ‘SHHPLLOUWP” before he could answer he got hit in the back of the head with a shark tribe arrow . With this we now know Who ever stole my crown was a shark tribe member, and a girl he kept calling the thief “she”. I personally have been to the shark peoples reef and their pretty cool, my best friend is a shark person and i even dated a sharkboy. It’s just dads really old school so for him we are mortal enemies for life, i tried to stop him from going to their reef and causing a scene but Asrai said she needed me for an emergency. So i tended to my little sis as father made his way to the shark peoples territory . “WHO HAS DONE IT !? WHICH ONE OF YOUR THIEVING BARBARIC STUPID SHARKS STOLE THE ROYAL PRINCESS CROWN OF ATLANTISEAUS?” You seem upset your highness but i know nothing of what u speak says the king of sharkoopolis( bruceteethius). All of the people of my tribe know to never cross the seaweed barrier that separate Atlantiseaus and sharkoopolis. Don’t know if i can say the same about your merpeople. “THAT’S BULLSHARK” – HEY WATCH YOUR MOUTH MR. MERMAID your in shark town now. “All i need for you to tell me is why my most powerful and loyal guards gets shot in the head with one of your arrows, right after my daughters crown goes missing? And before you say something slick just know i’ve been waiting to send my army to destroy this little ragged reef you all call “home” choose your response wisely bruceteethius.” Says poseidon . Bring on that destroying army poseidon because none of my people would disobey, and you know what we are tired of living on this little “ragged” reef we deserve at least half of Atlantiseaus, but now oh now i want the whole thing. So leave now and hurry back to your kingdom while you still have it your “highness” . “verywell and once i defeat you and your thieving tribe you will be locked up and your people will be killed “.
Father you can’t do this we don’t even have proof that it was them. “Nonsense Ashera he was hit by one of their weapons” . But- “why are u trying to ignore the evidence that we literally have in our hands” says Asrai . I suppose but i just don’t get it , it’s as if they wanted to get caught , it just seems a little fishy. No pun intended hahaha . “you always been a clown Ashera but i think you should just stay out of dads way and let him do what he feels is right he is the king” said Asrai. All i could do is try and convince the doubts in my head that Asrai was my sister and wouldn’t do anything to trouble this kingdom…Right? I wasn’t too sure now that i thought about it. Ashera come here girl we must prepare for this war we shall leave, me, you and your sister to somewhere safe says mother . what no we can’t leave we must be here to support father and get to the bottom of who truthfully stole my crown i explained to my mother. We know who did it Ashera it was the shark tribe they were stupid enough to leave raw proof of it too.
That’s just it mom what if they aren’t? What if the real thief knew exactly what they were doing? I mean it really wouldn’t be hard. Everyone whos anyone knows the people of Atlantiseaus and the shark people have been enemies since the beginning of time mother. “I suppose that’s true Ash- *clap clap clap* “Oh What are you doing here, and oh my goodness, you found Asheras princess crown!?” “shut up i’ve been tired of you” POW! MOTHER!! NOOO ! cried Ashera as she watched the seaweed green blood rush out when the bullet swim through the thick, motionless , turquoise atmosphere like a torpedo into the queen’s lifeless chest. “All this time , All this time it was you . I even doubted my own blood over this , you thought u played it smart but not smart enough.spraying my sisters perfume at the scene and even duplicating the shark tribes arrows. Did u really think that eventually me or father wouldn’t figure out that perhaps the only true culprit is the one person who stands fe-… What are u gonna do ? Go ahead kill me. It will only make your punishment worse. Once father finds out you will rot in that dungeon . “ Oh he won’t” POW!






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