Johnny and The Roach


   Johnny Mctapinson was a famous tap dancer. He has won many tap dancing awards. He’s won the Tappys, the Tappers, and even a tap dancing music award. He truly was the GOAT of tap dancing. That was until one day in the bathroom. Johnny was getting out of the shower. He screamed as loud as he could. “C-c-cockroach!” There was a cockroach on his shower towel. He tried to smack the roach away from the towel. “OOF!” he gasps as he slips on the wet floor. He lands on his…… ankle. He cries out in pain. The cockroach looks up and flutters his antenna. Johnny drags himself to a phone and calls the ambulance to assess his ankle.

   “It is fractured.” the doctor said with no sympathy. You see Johnny was the best at tap dancing but everyone knew he was the most arrogant tap dancer as well. “No one could match my level.” Johnny always used to say before a big competition. He wouldn’t perform in any event unless it involved an award. It makes sense as he does want to rest his body for more “important” things.


    Johnny returned home, sad. How could he reclaim his throne at this season’s Tapathelon. He had to wear a leg cast for 6 weeks. He sighed as he sat on his lame chair, alone. Johnny had a wife… Until she divorced him because she felt no “love” from him. She claimed she needed “new faces” in her life. Johnny shrugged it away and continued on his tap dancing. As he was sitting, he heard a familiar tune playing. “Classic tap dancing music?” He thought. He limped to his training room and then voila! The cockroach that “injured him” was attempting to tap dance. He was failing though. Johnny laughed at him. The cockroach looked up and his antennas went down. Johnny continued to laugh until he realized. The roach could obviously dance somewhat. Johnny nodded. He had a plan!


   Johnny taught the cockroach all he knew about tap dancing through verbal instruction. The roach was actually learning. His tap dancing was so spectacular. The roach lifted up his antennas happily. Johnny could reclaim his throne!

   This was it! It was the day of the Tapathelon. The roach was so excited. Johnny decided to call it Rover. Rover was dancing. Johnny was grinning to himself. Rover knew everything he needed to know. He was gonna win Johnny another trophy. This would cement his legacy as the best tap dancer in history. Then out of nowhere, a young tap dancer ran past Johnny and Rover. Johnny heard a crunching sound. The tap dancer was in a hurry. “Excuse me sorry!” Johnny stared at the kid and looked back to Rover. He saw it. The dead corpse of Rover. All crumbled up. The antenna twitched and then stopped moving. Johnny sighed.






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