A Distant Fantasy

                            A Distant Fantasy


I used to be someone who loved the great outdoors

Screaming and playing as I ran amongst the grass wet with dew.

For once saying, “Yes! I loved jumping onto mud while it rains!”

Being excited until the day I could go home.

To play catch or kick ball that sunk in the lake.

It was around the age of 13 where it all began to stop.

Where everything spiraled into one single screen.

A big black box sat upon the coffee table in the room.

With a big screen that reflected my small figure.

A press of a button turned the screen into light.

And had now began my stage of unattachment.

Many colors and characters fell into view.

With different colored hair and unreal abilities.

Like a horse that was pink, or a boy who can fly.

My eyes had now became the glue to this here screen.

This world was so fascinating to my very young mind.

Much so that it disconnected me from the outside.

By then, I couldn’t believe in what I considered real was not right.

Like why couldn’t I pick off the moon or see ghosts at night.

Young eyes filled with fictional beliefs to unspoken truths and feeble dreams.

I was Icarus and these fantasies were the sun.

Fly to far and you will lose more than just your wings.

Until one fortunate day where it all came to an end.

The black box that emitted the many colors turned bleak.

A sudden ‘CRACK’ brought me back to the real world.

Black and dull as the box’s outer color and shape.

The screen dark with jagged fingers reaching out to me.

I don’t know when. And I don’t know why.

But by then, I finally had to say goodbye.








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