Where I am From

Where I am From

I am from India.

From a brown that is my skin.

I am from the sunshine yellow of my mother’s laugh.

From the red and white of my brother’s favorite football shirt.

I am from the crisp new white pages of a book,

From the miserable grey of the street I live on.

I am from green, pink, and yellow; my garden in summer filled with flowers.

From the terrifying black of the nightmare that haunt me.

I am from the ginger orange of my burial car.

From the blue and gold of my ever-short school tie.

I am from the dark oak of my grandmother’s coffin.

From the golden pendant around my neck.

I am from every identical color of the twin I love.

From the blue and green of a hospital ward.

I am from all that has happened.

And all that will be.








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