To What Extent

Destiny Beckles

                                                                         To What Extent

         Homework has had the most controversy in school since the beginning! Over the span of three months multiple surveys were conducted on the students at Cypress Creek about the statement “To what extent do you agree with this statement: “We are always given a reasonable amount of homework” (with answers ranked as “agree, mostly agree, neutral, mostly disagree, disagree)” the responses varied. Some students were neutral, some disagreed and some agreed.

    The survey shows the individual response of how kids feel about the homework amount. They were 27 responses, out of the 27 nine students were neutral, six agreed, nine disagreed and two were not applicable. Based on the survey most of the students were against the statement and few agreed.


         When asked about the statement, Ana Gil says “ homework in high school is too much and I get tired and never finish.”  Noel Mckoy said “homework is never given fairly, all teachers do is hand it out and sometimes never ask for it.” Ana doesn’t think the amount of homework is okay, she is exhausted by it and many other students. She doesn’t think they are given homework fairly.

        There are students that think homework doesn’t have affect on us but the test we take. How does homework and test relate? Jonathan Smith says “ I don’t really agree with the statement because sometimes we don’t even get homework at all, test determine our grades.” I also asked if they thought the amount of homework was sufficient for the tests given, most students agreed.  Smith also said ‘sometimes the homework questions are on the test, and when you don’t do the homework the test becomes more difficult.” This connects back to the neutral and disagree statements, students think the homework is only fair when it deals with tests and out of the the three student all disagreed with the statement.

       Although students don’t like the amount of homework given, here at cypress creek homework is the most relevant and helpful thing they have. Students have admitted that homework is sometimes the most helpful thing before  a test. 

   “ Homework is more or less for the teachers it gives them satisfaction that they’ve taught well” –







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