Partner Profile

                                                                                           Partner Profile

                                                                               By:Jazier Adorno

   April 12,2019Get ready for practice! Senior Elena Mendoza has built a love for sports from her family members, teammates and celebrities.  

     Elena has always tried to find motivation for sports from her family to be able an achieve. In school she does her best with grades so she can be able to keep playing sports. “I have an intent of doing it well,” she said.

        When playing sports Elena joined the school team and plays with her teammates to make sure to do her best. She finds the motivation through getting along as a team to be the best in every way possible. “To not be selfish and work all together” is key according to her.

      Recently, playing lacrosse and keeping up with schoolwork at the same time has become stressful. But she remembers her inspirations, Michael Jackson and NBA Youngboy, and how hard they’ve worked. She remembers to not get “overwhelmed too much with work and sports when things can be calm.”






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