A Speaker, Influencer of the People

                                                                    A speaker, influencer of the people

                                                                        By: Julie Gonzalez (9)


          April 12, 2019 — Khola Salam is a powerful speaker and influencer. The 9th grader is someone who will stand up for what is right.To her, there are many injustices in the world, and she cannot go without at least letting people know when they’re wrong.

            An example of her standing up for something would be the time when she stood up for someone who was not in her friend group. Khola saw injustice within her friend group and stood up for the other person. She says ”I hate seeing something wrong done to other people”. Khola’s friends were saying mean things and the rest of the friend group supported the instigator, but she stood up and told them that what they were doing was very wrong. This shows how being unbiased creates real friendships, and that Khola will not stand for any wrong doings.

     Khola’s not courageous about everything though. Math is not the best subject for her. She admitted she struggles at remembering formulas. “I can’t do mental math because it is hard, I have to write down everything.” She states that she has to do everything on paper, and without it, it could be a struggle.

    In the end, Khola is someone who follows her beliefs to the end, but will willingly claim defeat when it comes to difficult math problems.






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