Father’s Footsteps

                                                                                    Father’s Footsteps

                                                                                  By: Elena Mendoza


          April 16, 2019 — The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. After interviewing 10th grader Jazier Adorno on April 1, 2019 I learned of Jaziers dream of following in his father’s footsteps. He hopes to have his own business someday like his father, to inspire others around him.

        Jazier’s father has played a huge part in why Jazier wants his own business. Jazier looks up to his father as he is his biggest role model. “My dad inspired me to run a business,” Jazier says. He admired his father for being independent and for chasing his goals. Jazier spent a lot of time at his father’s business after his baseball injury.

         When Jazier was younger he used to play baseball, but after an injury Jazier decided he no longer wanted to continue a career with baseball.  That led to him having a lot of free time. Jazier took that free time and spent it at his father’s mechanic business. “Baseball is just a hobby now, I’m more interested in mechanics and cars,” Jazier states. All that time spending at his father’s business is the root of Jazier wanting to have his own business.

           Jazier hopes that him having a business will not only benefit him but also teach others “to not be led by others.” When his baseball door closed from his injury, his dream of having his own business opened.






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