The Truth About After School

                                                           The Truth About After School Time Spent


     The School days are long and rough, not something many students love doing; but how much time do students really spend after school hours? The students of Cypress Creek High School gave their opinion during the month of February and March to show what the majority of amount time students spend on after school hours.


     The Data shown is taken from Cypress Creek Students who range from Freshman to Seniors, taken from 15+ students. Ernesto Castillo (12), who is in a club and is a straight A student, says “I spend little to no time outside of school, I usually take my time on my homework and then I don’t have to do it later.” Ernesto believes that if you take your time on homework in class, and manage it based on that, then you can take the time after school to do the things that you like.


      While time management is important, there may still be individuals who have to still do homework. But what about those students who take the optional route and attend after school activities, such as clubs or sports? Clubs are a big hit in Cypress Creek and can meet anywhere from every day after school, to just one day throughout the week. Kimberly Niera (11) is in JROTC and attends practices for the drill team most days, Kimberly says “When I joined JROTC I wasn’t expecting the practices to be so frequent and long, but in the long run it just makes me better at what I do!” Kimberly is not the only student who spends a lot of time outside of school doing extracurricular activities, while data shows that the majority of students spend their time in clubs and sports.


      Extracurricular activities are sometimes completely optional and do not need to be attended if the student doesn’t desire, but what do students who have homework and clubs do for time management? Adriana Marrero (10) is a student who attends many after school activities, while being a sophomore, which considered the “Pre-Testing” year for high schoolers. Adriana says “I am in Band, the Marching Band, dand I usually have a bit of homework every night; but I usually spend most of my time at Marching Band practice.” It seems that whether “Homework takes more time than Extracurricular Activities” debate seems to be indifferent based on the data collected.

This graph (gathered from Data scraping students responses to a survey) shows the majority of time students spend after school based on percentage. The Extracurricular Activities takes up 75% of students majority of time outside of school.



Homework is something not many people like to do, Clubs are something that students can do completely optional, which is why the students at Cypress Creek spend more time on that rather than Homework. Just goes to show how much time is spent doing homework versus doing something that they enjoy.






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