Overcoming Problematic Issues

                                         Overcoming problematic issues, tries becoming successful in the process

                                                                               (Adrian Gohlman 10th grade)

                                                                                           April 12, 2019


     Sometimes we don’t know about how deep emotions that one experiences on a daily basis. Alyssa Colon is a freshmen that attends cypress creek high school. She’s the type of  person that tries to succeed through the struggles she goes through. This is fascinating because Alyssa also tries but always thinks that’s she’s not good enough due to her anxiety and depression. 

     Alyssa is a type of person who has anxiety and depression, Alyssa states that “I have anxiety and depression, It runs in my family”. With is being said the mental problems that she has gets comes from her family having the same issues that she has today. Alyssa gets her anxiety when she feels like she’s not good enough, She states “Not feeling good enough leads to me thinking about how i’m going to let my mom down and how i’m going to be like my dad and I don’t want to be like my dad and I don’t want that and I start getting scared and my heart starts racing which makes me feel like my heart is going to explode and then I feel like I cant breath”.  As Alyssa goes through these rough times she looks at her peers and her family members to boost her up when she’s feeling not enough or when she feeling emotionally not there. Alyssa states that “I take it day by day, I think of every family member I have that needs me to do better. I talk to my brother and mom and best friend and they let me know i’m good enough to succeed even when I feel like I can’t”.

     The anxiety that Alyssa has comes her fears of not being good enough. Alyssa also succeeds in life especially when times were rough for her. Alyssa says “I felt like I succeeded in life when I moved to florida like I moved out of the community I was in because where I was living…you don’t succeed there.” To keep Alyssa succeeding through the struggles she also thinks about her future and her family. Alyssa says  “I hope to get into college, I hope to become a Radiologist, and hope to help my family that helped me to succeed”

As you can see Alyssa had a lot of struggles in the past and still does, do to her anxiety and depression, however her anxiety and depression doesn’t let her stop succeeding in important things like going to college and helping out her family







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