Kaila Uses Faith to be a Better Person

                                                                    Kaila Uses Faith to be a Better Person

                                                                            Emmanuel Garcia (10th)

     April 12, 2019– Keila Cintron is a sophomore who wants to better herself as an individual and uses God and Jesus as motivation. She wants to be a better person in terms of her attitude towards others and the way she acts in school and at home. She likes to enjoy herself and relax. While not in school, she enjoys going out with friends and chilling with her family at home.

     She says “Jesus gives me hope and is my joy. He’s the reason I want to better myself.”  She says. The bible and its teachings inspire her to be better and provide guidance on how to be better. It gives her the strength to achieve her goals. She uses Jesus life for guidance on how to live her own life in a safe and honest way.

     When asked what drives her she said, “Jesus is the reason I keep going’’ He is what allows her to persevere against the many challenges in life. He allows her to keep her head on straight throughout all the stress she faces in her daily life especially that from school. That strength is what allows her to keep being herself despite it all.

     While she perceives several issues with her personality like, “If I feel like I’m too loud I’ll try to be more quiet.” She wishes she was just a better person. When asked for an example she said “when I was trying to be someone I wasn’t. When I was saw myself changing as a person to someone I didn’t want to be. He gave me the strength to change.” She has gone through several changes in her life and despite it all she has still always remained Keila despite the challenges.   

     Faith can provide multiple things to people throughout their life. Hope, perseverance, but for Keila it gave her strength to change and be a better person. She had always had issues with herself and struggles to be true to herself but despite it all her want had always been the same.  “I just want to be the best version of me.”






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