Basketball is a lifestyle for senior varsity player

                                                             Basketball is a lifestyle for senior varsity player

                                                                                     By: Kate Pierce (9)


    April 12, 2019 — Passion and hard work feed great achievement and give the power needed to lead the way to victory. Patricia Njeanwobe, a senior at Cypress Creek, is someone who has experienced this in her life first-hand. Patricia formerly lived in Paris, France before moving to the United States. During her time there she won a basketball championship with her team, an event that has positively impacted her life. Her passion and devotion to the sport drives her to bring her all to every game. The ups and downs of each season provide lessons that have evidently made her the independent and strong willed person she is.

       In France, basketball is just as hardcore as the United States. There are clubs, national teams, and competitions just as in any sport. However, the US typically places more emphasis on athletics, and professional players get paid up to millions of dollars a year. When asked about the difference between participating in basketball at Cypress Creek High School and France, Patricia replied “In France it’s more strict but there’s not as much money for playing as NBA, in US it’s a lot of shots and less athletic.” The intensity of basketball is not anything new to Patricia, some of her teammates were on the national team and many aspired to be in the future.


         Playing a sport isn’t always about the moments when you feel on top of the world though. Being with your team through the dark times as well as the light is what teaches perseverance, commitment, and team work to many young athletes. The lesson that Patricia has especially taken away from her time playing basketball is it made her       “realize how a sisterhood is important between females. You don’t know what you can achieve together until you try.” In the future Patricia wants to assist in giving young girls and boys from other countries the opportunity to come to the United States to play basketball. “I want to help kids travel to the US and get their education and the opportunity to play. Probably college level so they can meet new people and have new experiences.” Basketball has made such an impact on her life that she’s been inspired to use her own experiences to instill that in the next generation.

    One of the most memorable moments in Patricia’s life was celebrating her team’s accomplishment in winning the championship. As everyone cheered her team hugged and stood proudly of their achievement, a moment permanently imprinted on her mind and way of life.

    Patricia is empathetic and strong-willed with the potential to become an influential leader some day. She will hopefully go on to inspire and lead others to achieve their goals and dreams as well.








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