Nicholas struggles with ADHD

By Jorlayne Morillo (9th)


 April 12, 2019– Who is Nicholas Stenerson? Freshmen Nicholas Stenerson at Cypress Creek High School in Orlando,Florida is an independent person that struggles to focus. Nicholas also known as Nick, is an independent person. He is also a not very outgoing person; he considers himself an introvert and works well under pressure.


 “If I have the option of doing something by myself, I’ll always take it,” said Nick. Working by himself allows him to get his work done faster. Even if he gets distracted it’ll be easier for him to get back to the task. As for working with someone, he will easily get distracted and will also distract the other person. For instance, one day in journalism class he was working on a partner project his partner asked a question and they got off task, eventually, they found their way back into the topic. If he would’ve been by himself it would’ve been easier to get the job done, fewer distractions.


 “I struggle focusing on things…Especially if it’s something I’m barely interested in” Nicholas was diagnosed with ADHD when he was little. ADHD also known as Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder is a disorder that makes it difficult for a person to pay attention and control impulsive behaviors. This disorder is the reason why he feels like working by himself is more efficient to get work done.






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