A Look in His Future

A Look in His Future

By: Isabella Estrada (9th)


April 12, 2019 — Everyone dreams of how life will go, but many times those dreams are not reached. Isaiah Cuencas goes through something similar to this, he plans to continue to work on it in order to be different from the rest and reach his goal. He works hard through high school, currently junior year, in Orlando Florida and hopefully keeps the hard work until he reaches his big dream.

Isaiah is hard-working and an independent person, this is shown through how he juggles between his studies, working, and uploading in his youtube channel, it’s not easy to do especially if you are like him in the sense of procrastinating, “I like to procrastinate on my school work, last minute, and every time I do that I have like a good grade or something.” So even if there’s a lot on his plate and he doesn’t administrate his time wisely, what he ends up with is something that probably not many people can do like for example, and hopefully happens, “I want to be my own boss, I don’t want to work for nobody else, I want to do my own stuff.” Making this happen is achieving his dream, unlike many others, through his hard work.

Many times what you want in life is not what’s best for you and what life has planned out. Sometimes your abilities can help you go in the right direction, so if Isaiah’s dream doesn’t come out as expected. “I like to debate, I’ll be a good lawyer.” So if his dream is not accomplished, this can be an alternate idea of how life can turn out. It might not be his number one goal, but is something he is good at and that he likes.

Everything that we dream is not accomplished for a reason, it can be money, sickness, family problem, etc. Isaiah hopes to offer to his family all the necessary and more if possible. “My mom, she did the best that she could and she’s doing it right now… I understand what she’s coming from and it’s not as easy as I say”  Sadly this was not given to him, but he plans to change this in his family, maybe he ends up so successful that he can offer what is necessary to his mom as well, not just his kids and wife.

Isaiah hopefully will accomplish his dream. His self-starter, worker personality should be really helpful towards it, in his own words “I feel like I accomplished a lot.” If he continues with his work he will reach it and be different than the rest.






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