Driven by her past

Driven by her past

Sophomore follows the path of psychology after a special visit

By: Shernika Jean-Simon (10)


April 24,  2019 — What do you want to be when you grow up? It a question that we’ve all been asked, and although we’ve all been asked this question before, most of us still don’t have the answer to it. 10th grader Breana Nelson  is a self starting, helpful person that works good under pressure and has big hopes for her future.

Since the age of 11, Breana knew exactly what she wanted to do when she got older “I hope to become a psychologist because I think I would be good at it”. When asked who really inspired her Breanaa said “whenever my friends have a problem or need someone to talk to they always come to me because they say I’m easy to talk to.”

“I had a therapist when I was young.” In the summer of 2017 Breana started to see a therapist. For the five months that she was there her therapist really helped her express herself and let go. She says “being able to talk to my therapist really help me physically and mentally.” It helped her let go of what she was holding on to for so long. It also helped her find herself. “If it wasn’t for the help of my therapist I probably wouldn’t be the person I am today.”

Now she wants to help other people in the way her therapist helped her.






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