For freshman Julianna Hernandez self-determination is a must

For freshman Julianna Hernandez,

self-determination is a must

By: Michael Asghede (12)


April 12 2019 — When you believe in yourself, you can do anything. Freshman Julianna Hernandez is confident in what she does and thus helpful to everyone around in her environment. She is determined for her goals for what she wants to do and who she wants to be in her life. She even enjoys it and she does this in a fair way.


It’s not being dependent as in relying on someone, it’s about knowing what you have to do. She knows how to do things on her own as she does it on her own time. She does not focus for  what people want for her, instead she focuses for what she wants for herself because she was dependent. Because of her dependence, it leads her to self control.


Whenever she is afraid of something or she fears of being alone, she finds a way out and that way out is confidence. Her mom taught her about the confidence that she needs. “My mom,she showed me not to let anyone in the way of who I want.” Because of that confidence, it can give you the power to knock down anything that gets in the way of what you’re trying to accomplish. That confidence can be taught by someone who you look up to.


As for her dependence, it creates a path for her future. “I hope to be finishing studying who I want to be, to help others.” It is a path that leads to what she wants to do and she wants to be aspiring and for who she wants to be, she wants to be someone who can help people.


Not only she does this in a fair way but she does it well as she noted ; “Doing it with the intent of doing well.”  






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