Love Can Go Far

Love can go far

Senior wants to be a veterinarian

By:Yash Patel (9)


April 12,2019– Furry friends forever. Bianca Munoz is a senior who has a love for animals unlike any other and one day hopes to become a veterinarian. She loves animals and wants to become a vet because of how pure and loving animals are.


Bianca  feels a special bond to animals and loves them. She would give her life for an animal in a heartbeat. “I have a love and passion for animals and I connect to animals in a way I could never with humans. I always said I would give my life up in an instant for an animal, but for a person it would be a bit different.”


She believes animals are pure and that they aren’t quick to judge like some people. “Animals are pure in a sense unlike people. Like animals don’t judge if you’re black, white, gay, or straight unlike people which we judge things like that.”


Bianca has a passion for animals unlike any other. She wants to help animals not only by caring for them, but by also making it her job to do so. “I’m passionate about animals. I want to be a vet so I can help animals who need it. Animals have lives too.”


Bianca has had a lot of pets in her life which has helped her develop a love for animals. When she was 10 she had  Animals have loved her and now she wants to give back by becoming a veterinarian and helping animals. “Animals have always loved me. I’ve never met an animal that doesn’t.”






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