How Border Patrol Is Turning Assylum Seekers Away

                                                              How Border Patrol is Tuning Asylum Seekers Away.                                                                                           By: Sebastian M.


    Our international border with Mexico is very busy with people and families coming in illegally. Some reasons for their migration include threats, poverty, corruption or the desire for a better life. When they arrive in the US, they have an option to apply for asylum, Seeking asylum means seeking federal protection against the threats or persecution that’s occurring in a person’s home country.


    According to a Vice News report on this topic, Border Patrol agents are simply turning these people back into Mexico, where their journey across the border begins. They are being told to fill out an unofficial waitlist for people seeking asylum and being deported back into Mexico. The Border Patrol’s argument? They simply said that they have reached maximum capacity and cannot take any more people seeking asylum. With President Trump’s position on immigration and actions against illegal immigration, he is imposing a ban on asylum seeking for those who enter the US illegally.


    Some students have voiced their opinions on this topic. Melvin Lattimore, a student at CCHS thinks that “immigrants should enter the US in a legal way to seek asylum”. Another student at CCHS who would like to remain anonymous also agrees with this, stating that families should have the option to seek asylum and be protected from threats, but it should happen with a background check and in a legal manner.









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