My Reason



                                                    My reason


   Growing up seeing her as my mom, and him *as my dad till i was 5 or 6

Falling asleep i remember vaguely a figure bigger than HIM carrying me,

[3]Waking up in that mans arms i realize i’m being carried out the door.


  Looking back i see HER by the door were i left her crying on the floor

Seeing tears falling down i reach out and call out ‘MOM’

I get no response so i try my dad

But he just turns around and cries

[8]And the man holding me says ‘i’m here now’


I cry

I scream

I trash around to no avail

My mom and dad left me

[13]Here with that man and that woman that held an uncanny resemblance to me


My brother in the car laying still as a stick

Asleep like this was just a dream

So i close my eyes and wish it to be

[17]That this was just a dream


When i woke up i realize i’m in a place where the air is not so clean

It’s not as crisp as the air where my mom used to live

Where the trees and the grass would dance like the sea

[21]That surrounded the place where i’m from. Puerto Rico


I was sat down and told that woman who raised me was now to be known as Grandma

[23]And that man that supported me and danced with me all night would be my Grandpa.


Wanting to go back home to the place where i’m from

I started to

Bite and scratch


And as my last attempt to make my point

[29]I stopped feeling


I tried to hold in all my emotions

So when you looked at me all you would see was a doll

[32]Until i met him


He saved my life and i saved his

I took him in when no one wanted to

[35]He has come a long way from where he is from


He has gone through a lot of problems that no one should.

I gave up my time to see him grown, to see him walk again.

To see the light of hope come back into his eyes so that when i looked at him,

[39]It was not a mirror.


When he did not get up and they told me the worst

I cried and cried till there was nothing left,

And the funny thing is that he dragged himself to me and laid on my lap

like he was telling me that it was okay

[44]He stayed my rock and i became his tree so that he could grow to be more than

what i Could be.


I smiled outside but cried a river of pain inside.

I started behaving like i was supposed to just to keep my hope alive

My hope that gave me a reason to live and a reason to try.

[48]A reason to feel and a reason to cry.


After all hope is in something and i found my hope in him

[50]And by that hope i found my reason to live.







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