A Kind Heart Goes A Long Way

Junior shows love for pets through volunteering

By Tishaly Ortiz (11)


             April 12, 2019 — Most high school students like to do their own things on their free time, like hanging out with friends or at home. But junior Sofia Bernate is very different. She likes to volunteer at a local animal shelter. Not only is she enjoying what she’s doing but she’s helping area shelters with her work.

Sofia loves animals very dearly. When she’s at the shelter she doesn’t even feel like she’s really working, she just loves spending time with them. “I love being around animals and love to make them feel loves,” she says. You can tell she enjoys talking about what she does because she was lighting up as she was talking about this topic. “Just knowing I’m making the animals happy makes me happy.”

           Working at an animal shelter can be fun, but you have to also follow the rules. There are many things that could happen when dogs or even cats escape from the shelter because of one mistake. “These dogs are very big which means you have to be very careful,” Sofia says. There are three specific things the animals need to have when volunteers enter the shelter. Sofia says,“ You always need to have a leash, poop bag, and treats.” Also, the minute you walk into the room you have to be very cautious when you open the gates because animals can easily slip out and escape.

   Ever since she was a little girl she loved animals. Growing up she always had animals around her. She has a dog at home named Mila. She loves her very much and spoils her the most. “One memory I had with her is when I was crying in my room, Mila came up to me and started licking my tears off my face.” Their bond feeds her love for volunteering all the more.






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