Sophomore Focuses His Life On Helping Others

April 12, 2019 — As interesting as psychology is, not everyone joins it for the cool brain facts. Sophomore Dylan Diaz altruistically tries to help people succeed and would like to focus on that later on in life by studying psychology today. Dylan’s personality is unique because there is a shortage of selfless people out there.

Dylan is very open and helpful, his goals are no more and no less than to help people. His ability to help people and make himself useful is reflected in how he helps and even talks to his friends. Dylan discussed how he “likes to talk to [his] friends and help them plan their life and help with their problems.” He also tries to help whoever he can and likes planning things out.

Dylan went everywhere with his mom. He spent his childhood making memories of him and his mom hanging out helping out his other family and watching wrestling. Dylan’s focus today and during his childhood line up with what he wants in the future. “I would like to be a psychologist because I can sit down with people and help them.” His empathetic personality will help him succeed in psychology.

A passion for psychology, along with his altruistic personality, are just the right ingredients for success. “What’s the point of doing anything without passion?”






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