
11th grader at Cypress Creek High School, Barbara Salomon, takes charge of her life. She strives to lead an independent and successful life. Many people desire a life like Barbra’s, and her self-seeking ways are what people need to learn from her. Her eagerness to better herself is what keeps her life thriving and striving.


Being independent means a lot to Barbra. She believes that being independent comes with being self-serving and self-assured. To be independent, Barbara agrees that you need to be comfortable with yourself and your choices. From our interview, Barbra states, “In my own words, i think it’s being confident. Its being self centered and focused.” Barbara also says that another way that helps her continue to succeed is working under pressure. During our interview, a question of whether or not she could work good under pressure popped up. Barbara states, “I work better under pressure.”


The word quality means “the degree of success in something”. The quality of how you do something determines how well the outcome will be. Whether is was how well you did your homework, or how well you cooked dinner. But, quality to Barbara is something that cannot be measured by just anyone. To her, everyone has different opinions and perspectives on things, and she has complete control on her own quality of life.  You can succeed however you want. “This is a term that cannot be defined here because nobody really knows the true meaning of it. Everyone is different in some way.”


As you can see, Barbara truly cares about her life and bettering it. Being so passionate about making a change in the world is what keeps her going. She wants the world to be fair and make sure everyone has the same opportunities equally. “Equality is being treated and seen as the same, and everyone deserves that.”






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