Determined Freshman is working to be on the air


Determined Freshman is working to be on the air


By: Melanie Cruz (Grade 10)

     April 12, 2019—Freshman, Hezekiah Beureuse has his finger on the pulse. He has been working on starting a sport-related podcast. He has been putting in a tremendous amount of effort with his team of friends to get his project on the airwaves.  


Hezekiah has been pursuing this career for a long time, Kevin Harlan being his idol who shares the same career passion as him, a sports commentator. He wants to start a sports-related podcast where he addresses sports insiders such as basketball and football. He’s been working on this with his group of friends and he is an amazing team player, being able to easily work with people he describes being a team player as “to understand everybody that you work with” and “understand what they’re good and bad at and to just work with what they can do.”


Hezekiah and his team have been working on this sports podcast for a long time. They want to have it done by August of this year, yet with school and extracurricular activities, they want to start later because “the amount of time wasn’t enough.”  


The amount of time he has poured into it is inspiring. He says to have poured countless hours into this and spend time preparing himself. “I have talked to a lot of technical officials and I tend to do research on technology myself on things like speaker boxes, inputs, and outputs, stuff like that.” He poured hours into his podcast to perfect it and find broadcasting material. “I would watch individual games or highlights and I’ll try to do as much research as I can on each individual game.”


His quiet, determined, cooperative character will help push him towards his goals and achieve great success.






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