Follies of Friendship Revealed

Follies of Friendship Revealed

Freshman Jorlayne Morillo Learns Self-Reliance the Hard Way


(4/12/2019)Freshman Jorlayne Morillo has worked at being confident. For a large portion of her life, she didn’t have any real friends. These experiences have lead to an insecurity about herself. But while these experiences have lead to depression for a period of time, she is ok with being herself.

Growing up, Jorlayne Morillo had a lot of fake friends. “I was their friend when they wanted me to be.” They would copy her test answers or homework. The people she talked to in the sixth grade also made fun of her, making that a depressing part of her life.

She realized that her friends weren’t treating her well when she moved out of the Dominican Republic and into the U.S. “When I found out, I was just like, ‘oh.’” After she came to this conclusion, her depression lessened.

Although her experiences aren’t exactly ideal, she is ok with being herself. “I’m very insecure about myself, but I’m also comfortable with myself.” A caring and athletic ambivert, Jorlayne Morillo is making new friends and leaving her old ones in the past.






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