Big Future Ahead

Big Future Ahead

10th grader Ameer Ishmael is working hard to achieve his dreams

By: Ashley Bryant (9th)

April 12,2019 — Pushing through adversity. 10th grader Ameer Ishmael aspires to pursue a career in software engineering. On his journey to become a successful software engineer, he faces many challenges that threaten to veer him off his path, but he is focused on pursuing his passion and reaching his dreams.


Ameer Ishmael enjoys playing video games with his friends. He appreciates the competitive nature of the games. “It’s a lot of fun,”  he says. Ameer also enjoys watching his favorite youtubers, Muselk and Jacksepticeye. These youtubers are most popularly known for posting gaming videos. Ameer’s goal is to one day “be able to make games or platforms like powerpoint.” His independent personality will help to push him forward to achieve his goals.


The journey for Ameer to fulfill his dreams to become a software engineer is made slightly difficult due to some challenges. Medically, Ameer has ulcerative colitis, amplified pain syndrome, and asthma. These conditions “hurt every day” and sometimes causes him to miss school. Ameer also says that he struggles when working under pressure. He says that he “just stops thinking” when placed in stressful situations. Although he does have many challenges to overcome, he keeps his eye on the prize, and continues to focus on his goals.


Ameer is very clear on his future and the career he imagines for himself. Although he has not decided on a college, he is sure that he wants to attend one. He wants to get a “degree in computer science” and he hopes that one day he can start his own company. Currently, he is not taking any computer science classes. However, next year he plans to  “take AP computer science.”


“I spend a lot of time playing video games with my friends and they also want to do things in the realm of software engineering. So that is a big inspiration for me.”






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