Family is Everything

Family is everything.

freshmen Ashley Bryant finds motivation through her loved ones


For many motivation is the key to success, Freshman Ashley Bryant is no different, She finds motivation through her mom, her brother, and her niece in different ways. She plans to be a writer and is working hard, because of her love for her family. She says, “My personal role models are my mom and my brothers”. She also cares for her 4-year-old niece Skye, who looks up to Ashley.


Her mother Antoinetta is One of her biggest inspirations. She is a minister and has many degrees, and is from Tuscaloosa Alabama. She says the reason her mother is such a big inspiration to her she says, “She is very strong mentally and emotionally like she has gone through a lot and still manages to have a smile on her face and to be upbeat and positive.”. She is not her only motivation though her brother also is a big motivation for her. She says, “My brother is really unique, I think I really admire his way like he just has a certain energy about him” She looks up to both her mom and her brother but her biggest motivation is her niece.


Her niece skye is ashley’s biggest motivation. Her niece Is very important to ashley. Ashley says, “I think my niece motivates me, she looks up to me, and pushes me to be the best person I can be.” Her niece is only 4 but they spend a lot of time together like on their birthday, she says,  Skye’s birthday is 4 days after her birthday so they always spend their birthdays together.


Ashley is working to become a writer, and loves her family. Her biggest motivations come from her family. Her mother motivates her by being such a strong and smart woman. Her brother motivates her because of his positive attitude and energy. Her biggest motivation Is her little niece Skye. Skye is 4 and their birthdays are 4 days apart so they always spend their birthdays together.






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