Generations of Influences

Generations of Influences


Isabella De Lima- a Cypress Creek High School student in her sophomore year, has a very interesting family history/background. But for now the  focus is on one of her closet family members- Her grandma.


To start off, in a short interview with Ms.De Lima, in one of the multitudes of questions asked was “What motivates or inspires you?” and the following response was “My grandma” This lead to a deeper understanding of the supposed to be brief topic. Stating  that her grandma is a “Caring yet risk-taking, determined but also good hearted, and mostly a strong independent person” who overall impacts Isabella to be the best person she can be(Isabella De Lima). “My grandma inspires me..She’s a pastor, a missonary. So she’s always teaching me things that I should know. And she’s always been the sweetest person to me”


Back then Isabella De Lima lived with her grandma for a year and a half. During this duration of time, her view of her grandma changed and she began to see her more strongly as a positive role model in her life. “I lived with my grandma for  year and a half. She took us in with no hesitation when we had nowhere to go. She has taught me to be humble and giving to anyone who is in need. Seeing her actions, changed me.”


Of course to follow up, over time. Such an amazing role model would affect and change her life somehow.Her grandma has and-is impacting, making, and shaping Ms. De Lima to the wonderful person she is today with her caring and understanding personality as proven by Ms. De Lima’s next quote. “Having my grandma, act as a figure in my life has made me who I am. She is someone I want to be more like. Seeing the way she treated us and others, makes me want to be a better person.”


Nowadays, Isabella De Lima, a 10th grader is striving to be a better version of herself and is always working hard. Thanks to the example and impression her grandma set for her since a young age.






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