Skating to success

Skating to success



Who-Isabella Estrada

What-Passionate about skating

Why-Skating can make her focus on everything around her.


The most active person I know Isabella Estrada. Isabella believe in success. What motivates Isabella is failure. If the outcome is something good or positive Isabella will do it. Even if she fail she’ll pick herself back up and do it again.

“I’m a real active person, I hate just sitting down in the house and doing nothing”


Besides rushing and taking the easy route for success,Isabella is the complete opposite. Isabella will actually take time and put effort to her crafts. Isabella is no lazy person. If there’s one I would describe Isabella that word would be humble. “If you rush your work you will not get the outcome you will want.”


Isabella is mostly passionate about skating. Even though she lose a couple times Isabella never get that into her head. Isabella will pick herself back up, dust herself off, and do it again. Isabella say skating is a way she can clear her mind. When ever Isabella stress she’ll just skate. “When i skate it feels like the world is empty,and the only person that’s there is me.”


So while the world just keep spinning and keep spinning.

Isabella will keep skating and keep skating.  






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