Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Hardworking student’s motivation is her family

                                                        Hardworking student’s motivation is her family                                                …

  • Football Player’s Tale

                                                                                               Football Player’s Tale              …

  • Overcoming Problematic Issues

                                             Overcoming problematic issues, tries becoming successful in the process                                                    …

  • The Truth About After School

                                                               The Truth About After School Time Spent        The School days are long and rough, not something many students love doing; but how much…

  • A Speaker, Influencer of the People

                                                                        A speaker, influencer of the people                              …

  •    “Would You Pick Mother Earth As Your Superpowers?”

                                                        “Would You Pick Mother Earth As Your Superpowers?”                                          …

  • Partner Profile

                                                                                               Partner Profile                …

  • Father’s Footsteps

                                                                                        Father’s Footsteps                      …

Got any book recommendations?