Too Much Homework?

Kids have three times too much homework, study finds; what’s the cost?
CNN Homework article








Students, you recently read an article on the results of one study.  Log in and provide your responses to questions 5,6, and question 7 is optional. Be sure to type your full responses.

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89 responses to “Too Much Homework?”

  1. Alexis Young Avatar
    Alexis Young

    5.I feel that the idiom “necessary evil” means that its mandatory, but a pain or too much. You have to d it, but many people think its a waste of time and annoying. This can be applied to homework because kids don’t want to do it, but have to if they want to keep their grades up.
    6. I think some of my teachers could give me more homework, while others give me just enough. In some classes I feel I could use more of a challenge with homework. In others I feel if I get any more it would be too much to handle. But overall, I think I get just enough homework to help me in all of my classes

    Period one
    Lexie Young

  2. Noah Weiss Avatar
    Noah Weiss

    Period 1:Noah 3-8-16

    Question 5:
    The term “necessary evil” to me means evil that you have to do and feels like the thing is just evil to do it. It is applied to homework because one feels that it is evil to do it but it is necessary to finish. If you don’t do your homework we all know you won’t remember how to the work sometimes from the previous day.

    Question 6:
    I think teachers give out a normal amount of homework. But when they do give out a small project that is easy to do, on it’s own, and when you think no big deal, bang all of your teachers give you another small project that is easy but when you have a ton of those it gets hard. So teachers to me give out homework at the same time and it would be easier if it was spread out because for a week or two I have no homework except maybe some math now and then but all of a sudden I get a ton of homework.

    Question 7:
    I think Mrs. Brown has assigned this homework because we need to continuously practice our reading and writing skills. But in school we don’t have enough time in class to learn new things and practice old things. Also some of us don’t know how to do it all properly, that might even be me, so until we all get it correct we can’t stop.

  3. Garrett Jorgensen Avatar
    Garrett Jorgensen

    5. The idiom “Necessary Evil” means that people may not like it, but need it to succeed. This idiom is applied to homework because many kids don’t like homework but need it to help them succeed. Without homework many kids would not succeed in school like they do now.

    6. Overall I think teachers don’t give enough homework. I know many kids would disagree with me, but if you want to get good at something you have to practice. Either give out one sheet everyday, or give a big chunk every week.

    Garrett Jorgensen Period 1

  4. Zairre Mirvil Avatar
    Zairre Mirvil

    5.) The idiom “necessary evil”, means something that people need but don’t like. It is related to homework because people in school need to have homework,but don’t like having to do it. Parents of children don’t like that the homework takes away their child’s time.
    6.) Overall, I think that teachers give too much homework.I believe this because, when kids go home every day after school, they want to relax and have fun. They don’t get to do that because of too much homework.

    Zairre Mirvil P1

  5. Aleksander Carroll Avatar
    Aleksander Carroll

    period 1, Brown
    Aleksander Carroll
    question 5:A “necessary evil” is when its necessary to do something even if you hate it.Homework is a necessary evil because everyone hates it but you still need to do it.Why is homework necessary, it teaches you stuff for later in life.
    question 6:I think my teachers give me just the right amount of homework.Because its not many pages of homework but they still provide a challenge so i still learn.Overall I think my teachers have balanced the homework perfectly.

  6. Andrew Hassen Avatar
    Andrew Hassen

    5. The idiom “necessary evil,” used for homework, means to me that homework is needed, but ends up ruining plans or time spent being a kid. In the past, needing to get an assignment done has ruined any chance of me and my family going out to eat or to a friends house. Or even going to a sports game or big event.

    6. Overall of my teachers, I think my homework situation is the desired amount of homework, just enough. There are times that when my teachers give a lot of homework, but that’s only every so often, and it’s almost never TOO much! I do think my teachers like to give the right amount of homework to the class.

  7. Zoey Thomas Avatar
    Zoey Thomas

    5. To me, the idiom that homework is a “neccesary evil” is a way of putting that homework is rather like the foul, “cherry-flavored” medicine you’re forced to gulp down while you’re sick Is it awful? Yep. Does it make you want to gag? You bet. Cut, in the end, medicine is really just a way of making you stronger and better. Homework is the same way. It’s stressful, it’s awful, and sometimes it can even seem evil. However, as Jessica Lahey informs us in the article, homework is really only meant to “help children and the teacher know which skills are missing and what needs improvement” This makes it, a hardship for sure, but a necessary one in order to reach success.
    6. I actually think that my teachers give out to little homework, and don’t put enough stress on its completion. For example, a lot of my teachers ask us to do optional work, purely for “extra practice.” This is simply not the way I function. If I know the work is not going to be graded or even checked, I’ll never find the will to get it done. Sometimes I need the threat of a missing assignment to get my brain turning. I definitely do not have the recommended hour of homework every night. Barely 30 minutes, really, at most. I think that specific, graded homework assignments due perhaps weekly are the way to go.

  8. Dylan Fales Avatar
    Dylan Fales

    5. On question 5, it talks about how you might think homework is a necessary evil. I feel this means quite a lot. I don’t particularly feel like it is a “necessary evil”. I feel like it is more of a thing you have to do, than something that is plain evil. Sometimes, though, it does feel like something evil. Say you have a project due in a week, or an essay due in 2 days; it does feel like somewhat “evil”. Overall, I feel that homework can be evil, but it is important that you don’t procrastinate for too long.

    6. I think mainly, it all depends. Overall, I would say I would just get above the normal amount for homework. Besides that point, I feel teachers are doing this to prepare us for the future. Otherwise, some days I get a lot, sometimes I get none to little.

  9. Gabriella Pedrazzani Avatar
    Gabriella Pedrazzani

    5.) Many people feel that homework is a “necessary evil” because they believe it helps a child’s academic performance, even though many scientific studies point in the opposite direction. The idiom “necessary evil” means that homework is one of those things that you may not want to do, but you have to. I believe that people direct this idiom towards homework because students and parents alike do not appreciate it, it takes away from your family life, your physical activity, and your time in general. But at the same time it supposedly helps academic performance.
    6.) I think that my teachers give too much homework altogether, not each teacher individually. Each teacher gives around the same amount of homework as a teacher in elementary school. That means that each teacher gives at least one page of homework. Sometimes I might get 2 pages of homework from a class or a whole packet due in a week. I believe that some teachers are oblivious to the fact that a student has 6 other periods! Though I guess you can’t really count PE and/or electives, which means all the core classes nd possible elective homework is being thrown your way. It’s just not right for a teacher to bombard you with homework, only for you to find out you have homework in 3 other classes.
    7.) I believe you are continuously assigning homework like this because we are not trying hard enough. Most people procrastinate, and their work is, for lack of a better word, trash. We are not reaching our full writing potential. Until we do better and have full, written responses, you will probably continue to assign homework involving a text and written responses.
    -Gabi P1

  10. John Beattie Avatar
    John Beattie

    John Beattie

    5. “Homework is a necessary evil”. To me, this idiom means that homework is something that is just there to be stressful in your life, but at the same time you need it because it can be a good practice for you in something. This is homework.

    6. If I only had one class, science, math, world history, or reading, than I would have just the right amount of homework. But that’s not the case. My teachers give me a perfect amount of homework, each. But all four amounts of homework combined is too much. Teachers don’t seem to think about how we have lots of other classes with assignments just as hard. Not including our elective classes, which have lots of other large projects or assignments included with them.

    7. We have had three types of these homework assignments. I believe the reason for this is because we have not perfected these yet. Also, these assignments are meant for preparing us for next year or high school. These types of assignments are going to be seen many more times in the future, so we need to prepare ourselves and perfect doing these assignments.

  11. Olivia Short Avatar
    Olivia Short

    5.)I think that a reason why some people call homework as being “evil”, could be because kids have too much of it after they already had so many hours of school and now they have two or more hours of it at home.Kids and other students may think of it as evil because they do not understand the content they were learning in class and now they do not understand.This could be a problem for children whose parents did not have a college degree.this is an issue because the students would ask there parents fort help and they would not know how to do it, making it hard and stressful for the entire household.

    6.)I think that most of my teachers give an understandable amount of homework with enough days in the week to work on assignments much like this one. The only reason I would argue with getting homework is because the school offers after school activities like sports and different clubs that take up the students afternoon time, giving them less time to do homework.Some of my teachers will give out a large amount of homework and let us work on a little bit of it each day of one or two weeks, which I am glad about.Also, I am glad that some of my teachers have extra credit options if I didn’t do so well on other assignments

  12. Jaiden Montalvo Avatar
    Jaiden Montalvo

    5.)The idiom necessary evil states that its mandatory and annoying and evil.Its also good for the child and for his or her education.Children need to understand that homework helps the teacher know your progress and if you know what she is currently teaching.
    6.)Overall i think kids get to much homework and spend to much time on it and it takes up all their free time.And I experiance teachers giving me projects and packets all the time.And so i think teachers give to much homework.

  13. Alexander Rodriguez Avatar
    Alexander Rodriguez

    5.} The idiom necessary evil means it can feel cruel but it is not
    because it is usually for your own good.For example like in the question homework is considered a necessary evil but it is for the purpose of reputation and for practice. Also another example is the written response homework and how they are to help teach the skill of commentary and how we have done several of them.

    6.} I think the amount of homework I get is between too little and just enough because for example some teachers give homework once or twice a week. on the other hand though other teachers give homework everyday. So some days it’ll be a little because you have that one teacher that gives you the homework but some days you have homework for 4 different teachers so it really depends on the day

  14. Luca Aristondo Avatar
    Luca Aristondo

    5. Many people call homework a “necessary evil”.I think this idiom means that you have to do it but its tire some its “evil”.It is applied to homework because homework is necessary and at times “evil”.Its evil because it takes away your free time and your you time.

    6.Overall I think my teachers give just enough homework.Not too much and not too little.Sure projects are stressful only one is stressful for me at times.More than one project is just about enough for me.

    Period 1

  15. Anna Angstrom Avatar
    Anna Angstrom

    5) Homework may be referenced to as a “necessary evil” because students will learn from some work, but too much is being given. In the text it clearly states that, ten minutes per grade level is the best amount of time for the students. The text goes on to say that homework interferes with family time, and free time, which are both very key to learning.

    6) I feel each night is different like “Goldielocks and the three bears”. Some nights I feel like I am completely overloaded with work, and have to stay up very late to just finish. Some nights I have nothing to do and I feel so bored. And some nights are just right, I get to have family time after I do a few minutes of homework.

    7) I think you have assigned so much homework because you want us to learn and be prepared for the FSA tests coming up. You want us to grow, and get as much practice in as possible.I agree with the amount of homework given right now, because I want to be prepared for the FSA.

    Anna Angstrom
    Period one

  16. Piper Williamson Avatar
    Piper Williamson

    For question six it says” do you think your teachers give too much, too little or just a enough homework”. I think that teachers give too much homework for example in my math class my teacher gives like two pages of math or maybe two worksheets front and back, but she does not understand that I get homework from almost every class so that gives me a lot of homework to do. What if I got lets say two worksheets from every class and one project that is do in two weeks and I also had a track practice. I would have no time to do all of my homework and work on my projects. Plus I wouldn’t have any time with my family. Even though i don’t have that much homework every day, some days I will have a ton of homework and no time to do it.Thankfully I have a good amount of teachers that barely even give any homework, but sometimes I will get a tons of homework and i would like it if they gave me like one sheet each night or one or two paragraphs to write from an article or something would be easier and I could have more time for me.

    1. Darlene Brown Avatar
      Darlene Brown

      Piper, it is important you follow directions; I even provided a rubric/checklist to be sure responses were properly written. Notice how the structure of your response does not look like everyone else’s? Why is that?

  17. Joseph Ales Avatar
    Joseph Ales

    5) Many feel homework is necessary evil something you dont want to do but if you do, it will benefit you. The artical states that “any body who trys to sit a 5 year old at a table doing homework knows what its like,kids dont want to be doing, they want to be playing and interacting. To me homework is an necessary evil because homework wastes up my time to do things that I would like to do and I dont think that is very fair.

    6) I think that there is an overdose in the quantity of
    home work given to the students of maitland middle and even
    in some other schools. According to parents there 1st grade
    child was spending 28 minutes on homework opposed to the 10
    minutes markerline. Stephanie Donald-Pressman
    said it is absolutely shocking that a kindergartner is getting about as much homework as a 3rd grader is supposed to
    to get opposed to the no homework at all markerline. some kids get way to much home work.

  18. Nada El Oueryaghli Avatar
    Nada El Oueryaghli

    period 1
    5:to me the idiom “necessary evil” is a way of making homework look bad. as Jessica Lahey says homework is only given out to help the child not to give ti a hard time and if your child grows up and still the same problem then ask you child to go to the teacher and talk to her about it and say it takes me an hour to do my homework its only suppose to take 30 minutes said Jessica.

    6:i actually think my teachers give out just enough homework by saying this i mean my teachers give just enough to study for a test or a an essay. by doing so i can get good grades and move on .over all i think my teachers give just enough homework for me to keep up with and go with the flow.

  19. Darcy Zobel Avatar
    Darcy Zobel

    5)The idiom necessary evil means in opinion when applied to homework in schools is kids hate it but it is there for a reason. We need this to help us fully understand how to do what is being taught.This is how homework works. It is made to helps us become stronger in the lesson that is needed to be learned.
    6)Teachers will always pile on the homework right the same days which piles the stress on students.One day I’ll have absolutely no have then the next there would be nothing but homework.Each teacher will give you homework during school. Everybody gets homework but having a mob of homework from every teacher you have is a little much. It’s like they plan to give out homework on the same day. This just helps everyone become more stressful causing the family to have an uproar.


  20. Carole Hanna Avatar
    Carole Hanna

    5. Many feel that homework is a “necessary evil”. This idiom means that it’s something evil and you don’t like it at all, but you have to accept it in order to achieve a particular result. This idiom is applied to homework because, many kids complain about homework and they think it’s really hard and boring. But actually, if they do their homework, then they’ll get something that is worth their time spent doing homework. (a college degree, a good job, etc.)

    6. Overall, I think that my teachers give me just enough homework because everyday I have about an average of a 15 minute homework assignment for every class. (some assignments more than others) I think this amount of homework is just about right because it helps you review what you did in class that day and it also helps your brain busy with work to do at home. I don’t usually complain or get stressed out about having too much homework, but it what gets me really frustrated when my teachers give me homework on the weekends!

    7. I think that you have assigned us homework assignments involving a text & written response questions for the 3rd time because many students aren’t doing very well on these assignments and you want them to keep practicing these type of questions so we can all ace it! Also this helps us become better readers and writers and it helps us to get prepared for the FSA writing test. Honestly, I know that many students complain about these homework assignments but I know this is just better for us and it helps us get better at sitting evidence and writing stronger answers.

    1. Carole Hanna Avatar
      Carole Hanna


  21. Alexander Adams Avatar
    Alexander Adams

    Alex Adams P.2

    5, The idiom “necessary evil” means that the thing your saying that to is evil to them, maybe not to other people but them. its applied to homework because homework is that evil thing that you have to do after school. you think school is over but then you gotta finish your homework.

    6, i think some teachers give to much homework. Some teachers at my school give enough and too much homework. other teachers just give the right amount of homework.

    7, I think were doing this assignment because we need more practice. we did the other 2 packets of these and not all of us got the best grades. you gave us more of these because we needed more help.

    1. Alexander Adams Avatar
      Alexander Adams

      Alex Adams p.2

      5, The idiom “necessary evil” means that the thing your saying that to is evil to them, maybe not to other people but them. its applied to homework because homework is that evil thing that you have to do after school. you think school is over but then you have to finish your homework

      6, think some teachers give to much homework. Some teachers at my school give enough and too much homework. other teachers just give the right amount of homework. the teachers who give to much homework don’t have children that have hard homework.

      7, I think were doing this assignment because we need more practice. we did the other 2 packets of these and not all of us got the best grades. you gave us more of these because we needed more help with these assignments and when we get better grades

  22. Sofia Tocco Avatar
    Sofia Tocco

    5. The reason that many feel that homework is “necessary evil” is because it may take a while to figure out and the peace of a family can break. This idiom means that many think homework is just for the teachers to have fun and mess with the students they teach. Although it is very tempting to say it is evil as well, it is really an evaluation of the student to test their abilities.
    6. I think the amount of homework from different classes varies. I get the most overall from Math, some from Language Arts, minimal amounts from World History, some from Orchestra, some from Science, none from Peer Counseling, and occasional projects from Art class. I think me teachers give just enough homework that I can learn and still have plenty of time to do other things.
    7. I think you have assigned such homework because you want us to be able to read through our responses and spot our easy and not so easy to find mistakes. This actually helps me personally, because it helps me with vocabulary and academics. I also think you have given us this because of the articles. All of them so far have been pretty interesting! These assignments contain a rubric, for the reason of us being able to put our own work together, knowing what to do and what not to do in our responses.

    1. Sofia Tocco Avatar
      Sofia Tocco

      Period 2 Sofia Tocco

  23. Haley Vy Nguyen Avatar
    Haley Vy Nguyen

    5) I think people, even myself, call homework a “necessary evil” because most kids don’t want to do work after school since we already had long hours of school for 5 days in a row each week. It is usually or ‘always’ applied to homework because the name itself explains it all. “Home-work”. Kids know it’s for a benefit but we are just really lazy or not wanting to do it overall.

    6) I honestly thin that some of my teachers give the right amount of homework but some of my teachers don’t explain how to do it. My teachers sometimes give me too much homework that isn’t required but they tell us to do it anyway. It’s not very fun. Usually the amount of homework per class is overwhelming.

    7) You probably assigned us this article/homework because you want us to be better at reading articles and then answering questions in which the answers are provided in the document. You probably are testing our skills on reading and having to support answers with the text.. Our skills in language arts are required to be better for the future.

    Haley Nguyen
    Period 2

  24. Nika Forouzannia Avatar
    Nika Forouzannia

    Nika Forouzannia <3 Period 2

    5. I think the idiom "necessary evil" is referring to something that is critical in life, but people hate it. When referring to homework, this idiom fits in perfectly because kids dislike it a lot but, its something important for school. In paragraph 9, it states,"I mean, children dont want to be doing, they want to be out playing, they want to be interacting…" This shows how kids would rather do a lot of other stuff instead of homework. It takes up useful time that kids could rather be spending doing activities they enjoy.

    6. Since this is a personal question, I feel that most of the time my teachers give me a good amount of homework. The only teacher I feel started giving our class a lot of homework is Ms. Galloway. We have a packet full of math problems plus an additional workbook page almost everyday, except Friday! Not to be mean or anything but there have been times when I've had homework from every class, hint-hint yesterday, and I would complain to my parents asking them how I was going to finish it all. Other than that, my teachers give me a decent amount of homework in a good time range.

    7. I have a feeling these "short answer" questions are going to be critical to our EOC or FSA, I dont know the difference :P, and probably all our important tests. Also, maybe Mrs. Brown is trying to get us into a habit of pulling out text from an article, explain the evidence, and make a point, AKA, PEEL. This is an important skill to know so you have a killer essay and a correct one. 😀

  25. Hannah Hilal Avatar
    Hannah Hilal

    5) Many feel homework is a “Necessary Evil”. To me, this means that they hate doing the homework and think its evil because they would rather be watching TV then be doing homework. Its applied it homework because kids feel its a nuisance to sped time doing “Pointless things”, when really, it is tremendously helping teachers spot weakness in the kids work. Homework is a big deal, but when the kids tend to be younger, they absolutely despise it.

    6)I think teachers give too much homework. You, Mrs.Brown, do not give much. But for my math and science classes, its a whole other story. Math, we have a test every week every Friday, with study guides every Thursday, and homework every other day. I feel like, especially with my soccer, this is way too much. With science, we just have a ton of essays. To me, I feel like I have no “Me” time, or even time with my family or friends because its spent doing homework.

    7)I think you have assigned us this type of homework because you notice that there is some flaws in our reading, writing, or citing evidence correctly. Since, this year, we have a reading test, you need to get us ready for this type of stuff. If you noticed something wrong that was in our text, another one could be given to see if it is a repeating mistake. If it is, then you can help us fix it.

  26. Riley Matusz Avatar
    Riley Matusz

    5.many feel homework is a “necessary evil.” this means that many people believe homework is torture or something teachers do to stress kids. its applied to homework because its not fun and no one wants to do it there for people consider it torture or a necessary evil.
    6. i think my teachers give me just enough homework because i’m never drowning in homework but always have some homework. also none of my teachers give us projects then give us homework to do along with that. overall i think i have the right amount of homework.
    7.i believe you have given us such homework so we can improve our writing skills. also to see were were we where at and were we need to work more in. the first 2 that you assigned us were to see were we were but this one is to see if we really got the grip of what you have taught us so far.

  27. Soriah Smith Avatar
    Soriah Smith

    Q5: In my opinion a “necessary evil” is a thing that is needed to be done even though someone in particular may not like it. It is applied to homework because that is exactly what it is, a “necessary evil”. Homework is a thing that is needed to be done even thought someone in particular may not like it.
    Q6: In my opinion my teachers give just enough homework. This is due to the fact that I have actually timed myself doing homework once and it took the right enough time recommended for me to do. It really just depends on the person and how fast they are at that one thing.
    Q7: I think you have assigned this type of homework again because we need to practice before the FSA reading test. Also because some of us are not good at answering these types of questions. Especially timed and against the clock.

  28. Brooke Stephenson Avatar
    Brooke Stephenson

    5. In the artical, homework is referred to as a necessary evil. This idiom means that homework is a good practice but it has bad qualities too.In the section “biggest mistakes parents make”, the author states “homework is meant to help children…”this means that ultimately homework is beneficial to students.
    6.Overall I believe that teachers do give too much homework, especially when you have 7 subjects it gets hard to keep up.I also don’t think that your homework amounts should go up as you get older because 12th graders shouldn’t have 120 minutes of homework every night.Homework shouldn’t be taken as seriously as schoolwork.

  29. Owen Chong Avatar
    Owen Chong

    5) Using the Idiom “Necessary Evil” for homework means that no one likes homework, but it needs to be done for the greater good. There is evidence for the “Evil” part of the idiom all over this article, but evidence saying why it is necessary is in paragraph 14 of the first section “…But [they] did find a positive link between homework and performance on standardized testes.”. This means that even though no one may like it, it is completely necessary in order to do well on standardized tests.

    6) Overall, with the experience I’ve had, I think the teachers I have give just enough homework. In paragraph 4 of the first section it recommends”10 minutes per grade level per night.”. This means that I should average an hour of homework every night. Since I usually either have no homework, 20 minutes of homework, or like two hours of homework, I probably average in the recommended area.

    Per. 2

  30. Olivia McGee Avatar
    Olivia McGee

    Question 5:
    “Necessary evil” means to me that is required but its evil.It applies to homework because you probably don’t want to do it but you know you have to. Even if you don’t want to you probably don’t want a bad grade on it to.
    Question 6:
    I think my teachers give me to much homework.Especially since I have 7 teachers.But they give me enough time that evens it out. So then it’s not as stressful.
    Question 7:
    I think you have assigned us this homework again because some of us might not be getting it. So your probably trying to make us get it right.It also gives us the skill in reading a text and answer questions.


  31. Cezar Julian Dela Cruz Avatar
    Cezar Julian Dela Cruz

    5.I think the idiom used for homework, a “necessary evil”, is used because even though homework is not exactly in the favor of the parents and children, the research shows that it helps tremendously in school. I also think that the term “necessary evil” is applied to homework because of the parents’ frustration with the children on the subject of homework. I also think this term is being used, or started being used, by parents when the amount of homework given by teachers considerably increased.
    6. I really don’t want to reveal my views,because I don’t want my teachers to change the amount of homework they give, but whatever. I think that my amount of homework is just about right. Though I do feel that sometimes teachers don’t really give any homework at all, which i’m not complaining about by the way. I’m very happy about the amount of homework i will be given and have been given

  32. Kaia Leavitt Avatar
    Kaia Leavitt

    5) The term “necessary evil” means that even though we may hate it, it does have a good purpose. This is applied to homework because although we strongly dislike homework, it does help and the teachers to help us learn. As the article says in paragraph 28, “homework is meant help children and the teacher what skills are missing and what needs improvement.” In fact I believe that the term “necessary evil” describes homework perfectly.

    6) Overall I believe that teachers give too much homework(of course;I’m a kid.) but I understand why they For example Mrs. Brown knew that we were struggling with commentary on written responses so she assigned homework for the subject. What I do firmly believe though is that teachers cross the line when they assign homework over the weekend. The weekend is my free time, I DO NOT want to be spending it doing homework, of all things.

    7) I think you have assigned us written responses homework three times now because, it is a necessary skill for us. I know that i really struggled with commentary on our essays, and this homework has definitely improved my writing skills significantly . While homework can be an annoyance it has dramatically improved my skills to where they are today.

    Kaia Leavitt 2nd period

  33. Erick Acosta Avatar
    Erick Acosta

    5. Many feel that homework is a “necessary evil.” This idiom means that homework is evil and you don’t like it at all, but it is for a needed/particular cost. This idiom is applied to homework because a lot of students complain about homework and how hard and and boring it is, But it is needed. If the students did their homework, they will see that they did it for a good cost. Their test grades and class grades could improve.

    6. Overall, i think my teachers do give enough homework and i am okay with it except one teacher. I usually get about 30 to 15 minutes of homework each day. But that teacher gave us 6 pages to do of homework and i took 1 hour and 17 minutes to do. That surprised me because i only get a certain amount of homework but that was a lot for me. I don’t get stressed out or get frustrated when i do my homework but when i saw the pages did not end, I got a bit mad. But other than that, i believe my teachers give enough homework to their students.

  34. Trevor Owens Avatar
    Trevor Owens

    5}Homework may be considered ‘uncessary evil’because students may think that teachers are giving homework just to be mean. In the text it states that in kindergarten you are supposed to have no homework 10 mins for 1ST 20 for 2ND for 30 for 3RD and so on. Students can’t have a social life with all this homework. Students also have no family and friends time.

    6}Sometimes I feel like my teachers overload me with homework. Some nights I feel like my backpack is crying because of all the homework my teachers give me.There are some nights where my teachers don’t give any homework at all,and other nights I’m up until 10:00 doing homework.

    7}I believe that you have assigned this homework to us because
    some of us students have not given a lot of effort to doing this assignment. Or to get us ready for the FSA writing test.

  35. Alexander Hanson Avatar
    Alexander Hanson

    5: A “necessary evil” is something you have to do that doesn’t make things better. Homework is put into this category, because it puts your skill to the medal! It can be a “necessary evil” or not, depending on the difficulty. (Especially finding slopes.)
    6: I really hate homework! Basically, all it does is test your knowledge on the stuff that you DO NOT know. Teachers, like my math teacher, frequently give out homework day after day, getting more difficult going on. I don’t usually do it until the last minute.
    7: This is necessary to almost 82.5% of students who have this class. Reason is, they are mostly struggling to write answers based on the questions. They feel like homework is shooting their selves in the foot over and over. They need practice writing essays and DBQs! Give more of this until we are skilled enough!

  36. Jorge Sepulveda Avatar
    Jorge Sepulveda

    5).The idiom “too much homework” in my case is a statement that means a workload of homework with over your self-maximum limit leaving you with stress anger and anxiety. People would reply it “necessary evil” which means it fills up your day and your stuck doing more tomorrow yet it is a way to increase your skills. It states that, “Fight’s and conflicts over homework were 200% more likely in families where parents did not have at least a college degree”. This proves that kids can feel very stressed out and the homework can take more time to finish.

    6)In my case I think my teachers give a good amount of homework that adds up to my learning standards. I can get them done but it’s very stressful when there are lot’s of distractions. Also sometimes i don’t know an answer to a question and i can’t get help.

  37. Davis Hofmann Avatar
    Davis Hofmann

    5) Homework is called a necessary evil because it is necessary and know one likes it.Homework is necessary to teaching to find your weak spots.How ever some times homework can be a reel hassle and cause temporary stress.
    6)I get just the right amount of home work from my classes.The text says that homework should increases by 10 minutes each grade level so i should have 1 hour of homework.homework. Between all of my class es i have about a hour of homework.
    7)I think that you have gave us so meany of these because we did poorly on the first 2 we did and we need more practice with these. Homework is meant to help children and the teachers find what needs to be fixed.In other words if we do bad on this we will do a norther one because we have not fixed the problem.

  38. Nasir Brown Avatar
    Nasir Brown

    5,I believe that the idiom “necessary evil” means that the homework is to much and is getting in the the way of every day life.I also believe that this idiom’s meaning is that the homework is evil because it has torn family’s apart and there is little to no family time and parents get in fight with their child because of the confusion of the homework . Study’s show that Fights and conflicts over homework were 200% more probable to happen.

    6,I do think that my teacher give me too much homework because of most of the homework is long and challenging but others are too easy to complete.In some of my classes other than Mrs.Brown’s class she give a good amount of homework because she knows how homework could be stressing out.In my other classes my teacher knows nothing about the stress the homework was causing because they don’t have kid’s in middle school that are getting that much homework

    7,I believe that You have giving this homework because in the last 2 people have done bad and getting poor grades on this. I also believe that you are showing that you are aware that we have too much homework and you are being ironic.The other reason why you gave this homework is to show that we are not good at restating the question in are answers

  39. Amina Wilson Avatar
    Amina Wilson

    Period: 2nd

    5.)The idiom of necessary evil means that the student who get the homework feel that it is to much to do.The term of the word mean teachers are giving to much homework and not thinking about the kids who receive the work.What this word means to mean is that all the homework that i get just makes me lose my mine because i feel that no one cares about what i have at home prepared for me and my family.

    6.)I feel that my teacher’s give just the right amount of homework besides my 4th period teacher. They at least give me 3 pages of homework and that’s alright. All of my teacher’s know just what to the student’s and me.

    7.)I think that you assigned the homework you assigned because you are testing use and see are limit with homework.In my opinion i feel that you give just the right amount of homework.

  40. Anderson Blalock Avatar
    Anderson Blalock

    Anderson Blalock, Period 3

    5. “Necessary evil” is an idiom that can be used to describe homework. This idiom means that the people don’t like homework, for the evil part. The necessary part is saying even though it is not well liked,it is necessary for us to learn and to know where to focus on studying. So together, it means homework is a necessary evil, it is bad and boring, but it has to be done.

    6. Overall, I believe that my teachers give too much homework because I have seven teachers who all give homework. I spend 7 hours at school learning and doing work, I don’t need an hour more of it. Also, I have after school activities that I need to go to and I get a bad grade for the missing homework, but I had no time to do it. The weekends are supposed to be work, school, and stress free, so weekend homework ruins that.


  41. Breydan Calapa Avatar
    Breydan Calapa

    5.The term “necessary evil” mean to me that somethings you have to do things that are not fun or that you do not like to do but that you half to do to be successful. I think that the term “necessary evil” is applied to homework because kids do not like doing homework when they would rather be playing outside.

    6. I think that my teachers give my the right amount of homework but one or two will give me a little to much. I think this because some will give my 3-4 full pages each night.And sometimes to much homework takes away time from my playing baseball or spending time with my family.

  42. Julia Woodburn Avatar
    Julia Woodburn

    Period 3,
    5.To me this idiom means that its just unnecessary to have homework and that we don’t need it.its applied to homework because no one likes to have homework and its stressful.
    6.Most Of My teachers give normal amounts of homework and they give it to us to see if we understand what were we can be prepared for tests.

    1. Darlene Brown Avatar
      Darlene Brown

      Julia, follow directions. Please refer to the rubric/checklist for complete responses.

  43. Ashley DiMaio Avatar
    Ashley DiMaio

    5. Many feel that homework is “necessary evil”. But what does that idiom mean? This idiom means that homework is like a nightmare. Kids don”t want to do homework.

    6. Overall I think my teachers give just enough homework because I don’t ever spend more that 30-60 minutes. Other times I believe that some teachers give too much homework. the reason for this is some night’s I’m still doing my homework at 6:00 and for me that’s a little late.

    7. I believe you assigned this to help us give more detailed responses. as well as teaching us how to look back in the article. You could be giving us multiple choice answers instead of writing. But, you don’t give us that because it won’t help us learn anything from multiple choice answers.

  44. Michael Collins Avatar
    Michael Collins

    5. Many feel that homework is “necessarily evil”. What this idiom means to Mac Collins is “I agree but disagree,” says Mac Collins. He then goes on to say “Homework is good for review, but sometimes there’s too much.” It is applied to homework because most kids feel that there is too much of it.
    6.I think that teachers give us too much homework. This is because we all have things after school that we need to go and do. Also, there should be time in class to do it.
    7.I think that Mrs. Brown assigned this homework to prepare us for the FSA. We need to be prepared for the FSA because it is a hard test. I also think it is to help our writing.

  45. Jasmine Gonzalez Avatar
    Jasmine Gonzalez

    5. I think homework is sometimes called a “necessary evil’ because most students get it every night and most of them don’t like it. The idiom means it’s not a good thing, but it’s needed in life. This idiom is paired well with homework.

    6. Teachers do give us way to much homework.This is because the article points out 6th graders should have 60 minutes of homework per night. Most students at my school have over 80 minutes.

    7. The reason Mrs. Brown gives us s much homework, because she thinks we need improvement. Our work might need more practice. She does this because she wants us to get better.

  46. Maggie Palmer Avatar
    Maggie Palmer

    Period 3 Maggie Palmer
    5.The idiom for homework called, “necessary evil” means to me that homework isn’t necessary in life and in a students point of view, evil. The reason that it is applied to life is because many people dislike homework. Some people dislike homework so much that they make their dog eat it.
    6. I actually think (surprisingly enough) I think we get just enough homework. I think of this because we have teachers that give homework every day, teachers that give homework some days, and at most two teachers that give barely any homework. We get a good amount of homework but not too much and I am able to deal with that.
    7. I think that you assigned this homework because you want us to be ready for things like this in the future. I’m glad that you assigned this homework for me to improve my skills. Even if people don’t like it that much.

  47. Hope Engilis Avatar
    Hope Engilis

    5. Homework is usually referred to “necessary evil” because of how much students get. When in middle school,many kids might get a lot of homework from every class. Because of this,kids are spending much time on the assignment given. Kids rather be spending that time to be outside, socializing, or just spending time with family.

    6. Teachers do give out a little too much homework. I respect the fact on homework is supposed to help us understand the assignment better but it takes up at least 40-60 mins of time. Because of this, I lose a lot of my personal free time. Although we may have too much home work, it does help me understand the topic more.

    7.I believe the reason why we get these assignments repeatedly has to do with understanding commentary and evidence. According to the rubric provided with the article, every article you have given focuses on commentary and providing evidence with our answer. These articles and responses are given to help improve on our writing skills when it comes to supporting evidence and commentary. we’ve been struggling with this topic so i would believe it is to improve on this certain form of writing.

    1. Hope Engilis Avatar
      Hope Engilis

      Hope Engilis

  48. Ethan Martinez Avatar
    Ethan Martinez

    5. Homework is a necessary evil because students need it to practice what they learned in class, despite if they want to do it or not. It also helps the teacher know what the student needs more help on. This term means that something that does not want to be done needs to be done.
    6. Overall, my teachers give me an average amount of homework but way too much on some days. So yes, I am getting too much. One day I have just math, the next I have math, world history, and language arts, and art. One time I spent my ENTIRE Wednesday doing homework until 10 oclock

  49. Darlene Brown Avatar
    Darlene Brown

    Cole, respond to the correct questions please. Follow directions.

  50. Sarina Labadie Avatar
    Sarina Labadie

    5) Homework is known as a “necessary evil”. Homework is not wanted but it is needed. Homework is not desired but we do need homework to study.

    6) My teachers give me too much homework. One teacher gives me 50 questions, another gives me a packet, reading, and vocabulary. I think that every teacher needs to have a large discussion and talk about how much homework you are going to give each student.

    7) I think that you assigned so much homework because we need to practice. I think that you are trying to train us for the FSA and just in general. It is also a life lesson that you are teaching; practice makes perfect. When you keep practicing writing you will get better and better and better.

  51. Cole Myers Avatar
    Cole Myers

    5. Kids call homework a necessary evil because they do not like it and stress over it too much.The kids have the right to stress because of the amount of homework that they are getting every week.The work is not evil but it is appearing so much that the kids doing all this homework would call it evil.

    6.I think that the homework that I get could be a little less than right now.I have to do math pages every night and I think that I should get a break from that.But overall the work I get is pretty decent.

    7.I think you assign us the work so that we get better at doing this kind of writing.

  52. Bryant Richey Avatar
    Bryant Richey

    5. Many people think homework is a necessary evil. I think it means that no one likes homework but, you have to do it. It is applied to homework because people would rather be doing other things instead of homework.
    6.Overall I think our teachers give us just enough homework. I think this because we need homework to show what we know and what we do not know. I get enough to show what I know but not to much.

  53. Alyssa Nowling Avatar
    Alyssa Nowling

    5.The idiom “necessary evil” means the amount of homework the teacher is giving to the student is way to much. Necessary evil means not liking something but understanding that it is needed sometimes. The amount of homework that teachers are giving out is outrageous. It is found that students are getting more homework that is recommended.
    6. I feel that teachers give to much homework sometimes. Also I believe that most students need the homework to work on the stuff they do not understand. Teachers sometimes give out 3 times of what is recommended.
    7.I think you have assigned to much homework because most students think that is to much homework and don’t feel the need to do it. I feel you shouldn’t give out what you do because, when you make us read a pretty big book and do questions on it we most likely wont remember. Also most kids think it is too much and don’t do it.

    1. Alyssa Nowling Avatar
      Alyssa Nowling


  54. Jacob Harmonay Avatar
    Jacob Harmonay

    5. A “necessary evil” to me means that in some fundamental ways, homework is necessary. Homework is practically a burden and/or an annoyance. So, it’s considered evil (mainly among children).
    6. I personally think that for Middle School, it is a practical amount of homework. A worksheet every night, along with something possibly due at the end of the week. Also every once in a while a project. Just enough homework for Advanced classes.

  55. Paul Ramos Avatar
    Paul Ramos

    5.According to the article its states “all of our results indicate that homework as it is now against essentially, parents who are poor.” The idiom homework is evil means necessarily that most people don’t like it.It relates to homework because not many people like it but most people do not like it.

    6.I think my classes give a middle amount of homework.Math is the only class that gives homework everyday. Overall math is the only homework so the homework in my opinion is pretty fair.

    Paul Ramos

  56. Trent Whitehead Avatar
    Trent Whitehead


    Overall I think my teachers give a good amount of homework. I think this because i spend a bought 30-60 minutes on home work every night, and the national parent teacher association and the National Education Associations ten minuet rule says i am ge.tting on some cases too little homework. This is what i think on the level of homework my teachers give me.


    The idiom homework is a neccesary evil means that even though most people hate homework it is requierd to learn a subject as well as possible. it may also mean that in peoples minds it is evil but it is really good. This is what the idiom homework is a neccesary evilmeans.

  57. Kara Cornelius Avatar
    Kara Cornelius

    Period 3
    5. Many people feel that homework is a “necessary evil” to me this idiom means homework is very important to succeed, but most people don’t like it. This is applied to homework because most people don’t like doing homework, but it is necessary to learn. I know this because in paragraph 29 it says,”Homework is meant to help children and the teacher know what skills are missing and what needs improvement.”

    6. I think that my teachers give me just enough homework, but sometimes they give to much. I think this because I can get my homework down, except when they give me extra. It’s also nice when I don’t have any or very little homework.

    7. You have assigned such homework, because you want us to learn about what is happening in the world around us. You also want us to be able to read an article, or articles, and be able to answer questions or essay about them with good evidence. Lastly you you want us to be able to have good solid answer and learn more on how to do this.

  58. Madison Batten Avatar
    Madison Batten

    Period 6:
    5.Many people feel that homework is a “necessary evil.” This idiom means that we have to do it, but we don’t want to, don’t like to, or hate it. This is applied to homework because when a teacher assigns it we have to do it and if we don’t we get an F. Also everyone hates homework and never wants to do it (Especially this). Paragraph 9 states,
    “‘Anybody who’s tried to keep a five-year-old at a table doing homework for 25 minutes
    after school knows what that’s like. I mean children don’t want to be doing homework,
    they want to be out playing, they want to be interacting and that’s what they should be
    doing. That’s what’s really important.’” This shows that when kids get home they do
    their homework. The kids are thinking that they should be outside playing with their
    friends instead of being cooped up inside the house doing homework. Kids interacting
    with each other and playing with each other and learning social skills, beats doing
    homework any day, any time. Researchers believe that.
    6. Overall, I think some of my teachers give me too much homework, and others give me a
    little(which I enjoy very much). My science teacher, Mrs. Thomas, gives me homework
    almost every night. Sometimes it takes up to an hour, half of which I have to do before I
    go to gymnastics and the other half after. Other teachers, like my history teacher, Mr.
    Hemming, gives me so little homework. The only homework I usually have in his class is
    finishing an assignment I missed, a project, or finishing a test I missed. Those
    assignments don’t take very long. They usually take about 5-10 minutes.
    7. I think you have given this assignment three times now is because we need to learn how
    to give evidence to support our claim and that we can learn how to prove that that
    piece of evidence supports our claim. The evidence supporting your claim, we need to
    work on that and writing commentary explaining the evidence and how it fits in, we also
    need to work on. Even though I absolutely despise this homework, is does make me a
    better writer.

  59. Phi Dao Avatar
    Phi Dao

    Question 5: I believe a “necessary evil” is something used for good intentions, but the way it’s executed may not be o likable.
    Homework is not liked by many, but used to find ways that students can improve for the better.
    Question 6: I think teachers give us too little homework, honestly. If the “10-minute” is legitimate, then I should be spending 60 minutes on homework, however, currently it takes me half an hour.
    Question 7: I believe that you, Mrs. Darlene Brown, makes us do such do “text and written responses” is to have us practice writing evidence and commentary, both vital aspects of a well-done expository essay.

  60. Hailey Peart Avatar
    Hailey Peart

    5.The idiom, “A necessary evil” means to me something that nobody wants to do but has to do.The reason this idiom is applied to homework is because you need to do homework in order to learn. Yet most people hate homework.

    6.Overall I think my teachers give just enough homework. My reason for believing this is because whenever I do all of my homework and then we have a test the next day my homework covered everything that is on the test. As long as I’m productive and I am able to finish all my homework in two hours.

    7. I think that you have assigned the homework packets because you want us to be educated on the things that are going around the world like the redesign of the SAT. Another reason why I believe you assign us these packets is because you want us to get better at writing responses because we’re supposed to be learning how to write in language arts. My last reason for believing you assign the homework is because that in the future after we have a test where we have to read a text and write responses than we already have experience and practice.

    Period 6

  61. Andrew Finfrock Avatar
    Andrew Finfrock

    5.I feel the idiom “necessary evil” means that it has to be done but is bad. Also,This applied to homework because you need to do it but sometimes it can be bad. So homework can be shown as a necessary evil.

    6.I think some teachers give the right amount and some give too much. Most give to much because they feel that it helps students. Also, they don’t have kids so they don’t know how long it takes.

    1. Andrew Finfrock Avatar
      Andrew Finfrock

      Andrew Finfrock

      1. Andrew Finfrock Avatar
        Andrew Finfrock

        7.I think you assigned this to help improve our text skills and evidence. Also,Because we need to have some homework. And it helps us find support for our claims.

  62. Nicole Salmons Avatar
    Nicole Salmons

    5. Yes, many people feel that homework is a “necessary evil.” To me that means you have to do something bad, so it is literally a necessary evil. Although I can agree with the statement that homework is a necessary evil because I feel like homework is important in order to learn, buy i HATE doing the work!

    6. I think my teachers give just enough homework. Typically I have 1 hour of homework per night which, according to the text, is average for my grade. For example, if you were given 10 minutes of homework in every class besides PE here at MMS, you would have 60 minutes of homework. Not bad, right?

    7. I think Mrs Brown assigned this packet so many times so that we could master it. This is something we need to learn for our tests and for our future. If we got it right the first time she probably wouldn’t have assigned it multiple times.

  63. Alexa Larson Avatar
    Alexa Larson

    5. The idiom “necessary evil” means means that homework causes a lot of negative things. One thing that makes homework a necessary evil is stress. The text states “a current study also examined the stress homework places on families and found that as the parents confidence went down, the stress in the household went up.” Homework also costs a child’s health and social skills.
    6. Overall, I think my teachers give way too much homework. There are some nights that I don’t have homework, but normally I have a lot and it’s usually all on the same night. So, I have to do all of my homework along with other after school activities. Sometimes, I have to go to dance right after school and I don’t get home until 7:30. So, I end up staying up really late and then the next day at school I can barely function.
    7. I think you have assigned this homework because you need to give us the skills we need to know later on in life. Writing responses for a text could be a skill we need to know for high school or even college. You gave us three of these assignments so we can practice this skill and get better at it.

  64. Cole Groth Avatar
    Cole Groth

    5. Homework is not a “necessary evil”, first off. Kids all think that teachers are demons if you give them homework! All kids thing that homework is stealing your life and worthless! “Homework is meant to help children” which proves my point. Homework helps you re-learn a segment of work in class

    6. Teachers give a little bit less homework then they should. Well, not for 6th grade and up. All these parents complain about kids doing homework for 30 minutes after school. First of all, kids work at different speeds! If a kid is writing for 1 minute then playing on his tablet for 6 minutes, then he is gonna take an hour for him to do his homework! Also, its the quantity that matters! If a kid takes 10 minutes, for only 5 problems, then he is gonna have to blame himself for that! Kids need a bit more homework in all.

    7. Mrs.Brown gave us this homework 3 times so she could test our progress. It helps her see if we can use evidence from the text to work on writing a paragraph, which helps us on out our reading and writing skills, and its not that much homework overall.

    -Cole Groth P.6

  65. Griffin Seel Avatar
    Griffin Seel

    5. Many people feel that homework is a necessary evil. When I hear this (or rather read) this, the first thing that comes to my mind is “so you think that it’s a paper form of a terrorist that benefits the child?” But I think that the only reason it’s used like this is because parents know that it will benefit the child but won’t exactly get the most out of it, (it also causes lots of stress)
    6. Do I think that teachers give enough homework? yes and no, they CERTAINLY don’t give to little homework but they just don’t give the right amount. I would say they just give about to much homework. Maybe if they didn’t stack assignment on assignment I would feel a lot better.
    7. This is our third packet involving the same rubric and prompt. Don’t worry you aren’t torturing us, you are just doing this so we will be prepared in case we have this sort of job 20 years from now. You are also doing this so our minds won’t think everything in life is easy.

  66. Wyatt Bowman Avatar
    Wyatt Bowman

    Period 6, 3/8/16

    5.Homework is called a “necessary evil.” This idiom, to me, means that the thing being described is not fun, and is not good, but is still very important.(Example-FSA) It is applied to homework because homework is by no means fun, and gets in the way of everything, but is still needed to keep tabs on the students’ progress.
    6.I believe my teachers jive just enough homework.(I wonder if anyone would say too little homework{people these days}) Paragraph 4 says,”… the so-called 10 minute rule – 10 minutes per grade level per night.” I usually get 10-25 min. of homework per night. Personally, I’m totally fine with that.
    7.I believe such homework has been assigned because it requires finding evidence and using it to answer a question. For an essay, just change “question” to “prompt”. Now, we have practice finding evidence and are ready for doomsday.(march 1st works too)

  67. Caroline Dentel Avatar
    Caroline Dentel

    5. When people say homework is a “necessary evil,” they mean that although most people really don’t like it, it must be done. I agree that we do need homework. I also think it’s important that we don’t give too much, to the point where it starts causing all these problems.

    6. I tend to finish homework faster than most people. Personally I think this amount of homework is fine. But for many – most other kids, this amount of homework is way too much and they end up spending all of their time on it.

    7. I think you’ve assigned this type of homework for one of two reasons. Either A), because you think it’s a necessary skill that we need need for life or B) because it’s going to be on the FSA. It could also be a combination of the two.

  68. Ryan Hagerty Avatar
    Ryan Hagerty

    5.) Many people feel that homework is a “Necessary evil”. This idiom means that homework is needed, but its not fun to do. This idiom can be applied to homework in the sense that, doing homework will teach you things to better understand the subject, but know one wants to do it because its boring and hard to complete.

    6.) Overall, I think that my teacher, Mrs.Brown, gives the perfect amount of homework. Mrs.Brown may give us what seems to be a lot of homework, but usually gives us weeks to do it. The homework she DOES give us isn’t even that hard, it just may take a while to complete.

    7.) I think that Mrs.Brown has assigned us this homework so that we better understand how to write. Knowing how to write properly will help us ace all of our soon to come writing tests. Not only will this homework help us with that, but learning how to write properly will help us with getting into colleges, or maybe get us our future dream job.

    -Ryan Hagerty P.6

  69. Delaney Rand Avatar
    Delaney Rand

    5. To me, the idiom, “homework is a necessary evil” means that even though homework is not exactly a good thing to students and parents, the research proves that homework helps greatly. It also is applied to homework because of the frustration from parents when students have too much homework. This is also used by parents when the amount of homework given by teachers is increased

    6. Overall, I think my teachers have given just enough homework. There has probably been one night this whole school year, and it was something very small. Overall, some of the homework my teachers give me is a little unnecessary, but most of it inst.

  70. Sidney Phillip Avatar
    Sidney Phillip

    PERIOD 6
    5.Many feel like homework is a “necessary evil”. I personally believe that homework is a necessary evil because we(students)spend approximatelt 7 hours in school, only to spend about 1 more hour in homework. That piles up stress for students and leaves teachers with even mnore papers to grade at home. Which causes stress for even teachers.
    6.Over all my opinion is that teachers give just enough homework. But if you imagine just enough times seven it can be quite overwhelming. If you pace yourself with homework and relax time it is easy to accomplish.
    7.I think that you (mrs.brown) assinged this homework to test/train us for high school and college. Also for our upcoming FSA. Finally I think you give it to us to test our growth and let us have a debate on a contreversy with hearing our opinions on this topic.

  71. Ethan Terry Avatar
    Ethan Terry

    5.A “necessary evil” means something that must be done,but is stupid idiotic and dumb. We may not like doing it,but we need to do it so we can improve are skills.
    6.I think my teachers give too much homework because,the recommended amount is 60 minutes though my teachers give me 2-3 hours of homework. For example,this assignment took about two hours.

    1. Darlene Brown Avatar
      Darlene Brown

      Ethan, please refer back to the rubric/checklist provided for a complete response.

  72. Kate Jenkins Avatar
    Kate Jenkins

    5) “Necessary evil” means a thing that we don’t like but we really have to do it. For example something that we do during school, the Florida writes, we don’t want to read then write but we have to. Another reading and writing is the packets you assign as homework(like this)!
    6) Overall, i think that my teachers give a little to much homework, i might have a math sheet due at the same time a project is is due in world history. I get the fact that teachers don’t know when one another are giving homework out, though.
    7) I think you don’t give a lot of homework. I understand that it is help for the FSA but really i don’t think its necessary. you should just give this homework to those you feel need it if they have done well i don’t think they need it(mwa).

    By: Kate Jenkins P6

  73. Olivia Mueller Avatar
    Olivia Mueller

    5. The idiom “homework is a necessary evil” means that although most people don’t like homework, there are benefits. Some of these benefits include a better understanding of the concept being taught, kids gaining confidence, and practice working independently. In paragraph 14, the article states that previous research has found that there is a “link between time spent on homework and achievement” and “a positive link between homework and performance of standardized tests.” However, the point of this article is that too much homework is a bad thing, but some can be beneficial.

    6. Overall, I think that my teachers give just the right amount of homework. I am not overwhelmed with homework papers stacked to the ceiling, but I am expected to do a fair amount of studying and work by myself. I do enjoy some free time but I also expect part of every day to have some academic meaning to it.

  74. Kaley Kolb Avatar
    Kaley Kolb

    5. The idiom “necessary evil” means to me, that homework is an evil thing but it’s necessary because it helps us succeed in our lives, test ,and everything that we study for. The evil in the phrase to me means that nobody like’s doing homework in particular but we do it because its a mandatory thing that helps us in life.

    6. I think that all my classes homework amount is pretty normal. When I get home I eat, play with my dogs, then but after that its the haunting hour.I think that its a good thin gt hat I have a haunting hour because 60 minutes is the suggested time for for 6th graders . I do my homework by the period (1st, 2nd,3rd etc.) so I know what classes take too much homework and too little. This class doesn’t have there most homework but it doesn’t have the least.

    7. I think you have assigned such homework to help us with reading comprehension and prompt reading. because our writing test is quickly approaching. I know that this assignment helps us with reading comprehension because we have to understanding the article to be writing any of these responses . I think that this teaches prompt reading because if we didn’t understand the questions than we wouldn’t have know what to write.

    By; Kaley Kolb P6

  75. Rylee Perrault Avatar
    Rylee Perrault

    5. The idiom “necessary evil”, being compared to homework, means that it is very much needed. But also that no one likes it, even though it is very beneficial. So, homework is an appropriate but terrible thing.
    6. I think my teachers give me just enough homework.Not too much, not too little because I have all A’s in my classes. That means that I know the material well, and don’t need a lot of homework.
    7. I think this is the third assignment with a passage because we aren’t being precise enough, not getting evidence, and not writing enough. You have told us to do it a lot, so i tried harder. I’m hoping we do not have these again.

  76. Lexin Tramer Avatar
    Lexin Tramer

    Period 6
    5:When people say “necessary evil”about homework, it means that we need to have it but everyone hate it. in order to succeed in school we need to practice, but even though we understand that we need it we don’t want to do it.
    6:I’m not exactly sure how much is too much, and you can NEVER have too little , but we definitely don’t get too much homework.So I’ll just say we have a decent amount of homework.An I’d just like to add that I literally hate when teacher complain about us complaining because it’s “only 2 pages” but let’s do the math…2 pages times 7 classes is 14 pages of homework. AND THEY’RE ARE ALL FRONT AND BACK. That’s 28 pages. Which equals like 4 hours of homework.

  77. Carolina Pontes Avatar
    Carolina Pontes

    5. By reading the expression “necessary evil” I understand it means that it is a evil thing, a bad thing that is necessary, a thing you need to do. It is applied for homework because no one like to do it but it is necessary or else you get a bad grade in return. over all it pretty much means something no one likes but needs to be done
    6. over all I think my teachers give just enough. Some teachers give a little to much but nothing that takes more than one hour to do. The problem is that there are days that non teacher give out homework , but when one teacher give out homework all of them do to.
    7. I think that you give us such homework so we can get better at writing full responses without being reminded and without having to. Also these type of homework make us really pay attention in what is written down. These type of homework of homework is to help us in the future and for us to write better.

    1. Carolina Pontes Avatar
      Carolina Pontes

      Period 6

  78. Sydney Wilson Avatar
    Sydney Wilson

    5. The idiom ‘a necessary evil” makes many people of homework. This means that it is an evil that has too happen but is the worst thing to happen to you. To me this relates to homework because it seems like all of my teachers give homework all one night which seems pretty evil.
    6. Overall I think my teachers give just enough homework. But the thing is it is all given at the same time and with all 7 classes doing that it builds up stress. Teachers should give homework at different times.
    7.I believe that you have done this for many reasons. One being that you want to see what we are struggling in. Once you give this enough times every paper will be perfect and you can stop giving us these homework assignments.

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