


  Course Description

The content in this course can include, but not be limited to, the following:

  • active reading of varied texts for what they say explicitly, as well as the logical inferences that can be drawn
  • analysis of literature and informational texts from varied literary periods to examine:
    • text craft and structure
    • elements of literature
    • arguments and claims supported by textual evidence
    • power and impact of language
    • influence of history, culture, and setting on language
    • personal critical and aesthetic response
  • writing for varied purposes
    • developing and supporting argumentative claims
    • crafting coherent, supported informative/expository texts
    • responding to literature for personal and analytical purposes
    • writing narratives to develop real or imagined events
    • writing to sources using text- based evidence and reasoning
  • effective listening, speaking, and viewing strategies with emphasis on the use of evidence to support or refute a claim in multimedia presentations, class discussions, and extended text discussions
  • collaboration amongst peers


**Students will read a variety of selections.  They will respond to their readings orally in class discussions,  through journal writings, original stories, and essays.  Vocabulary and grammar will be ongoing and integrated into the quarter’s grade.  Novel study will be done through Literature Circles, class novel study, and/ or independent study.**



Homework is posted daily on the classroom white board AND in my Canvas Course. Students are expected to check Canvas nightly for homework, due dates, and to monitor classroom progress!