Edgewater High School Newspaper Established 1952

The Senior Picnic

On March 15, Edgewater High School had their senior picnic on the football field. It was something for the seniors to enjoy a little outside time with each other and to just have fun.


Kendall Brandt senior had said, “I had tons of fun at the senior picnic and thought it was a nice way to end the year.”


Brandt had said that the picnic so far had been one of her favorite events to happen but that she is looking forward to Grad Bash though.


“The event did help me realize how close I am to being out of school which was very surreal to me.” said Brandt.


Every senior had something different to say about the picnic and how it made them feel.


Ladeirdra Cherry, senior,  said “YESSS! I am so ready to get out of her! It was a fun and sad experience seeing all my friends and realizing that I won’t see them anymore or my teachers. I saw my high school years flash before my eyes.”


Cherry continued with “The picnic was fun because I got to see people who I’ve never seen before and played games with them.”


The senior picnic included games like kickball, water balloon toss, Frisbee, tug a war, bean bag toss and more.


The picnic has been one of Cherry’s favorite event because the games were great and she was able to put her game face on for kickball.