“Love, Simon” was one of the most highly anticipated movies of 2018 so far. The movie follows Simon Spear (Nick Robinson) as he navigates through his final
By: Intefada Lutfi I really enjoyed the film and the meaning behind it. I was definitely crying about 99% of the movie. It was so emotional. I probably felt
Everything, Everything is officially everything you could want in a movie. There’s comedy, tragedy, romance, and adventure rolled all into one all while maintaining its realistic appeal. Synopsis:
Little Shop of Horrors is known for the scrawny lead, the abused woman, and a plant hungry for blood. Our drama department performed with a full gray face
If you’re like me and failed to receive an invitation to Hollywood’s Superbowl, you experienced the magic of the Academy Awards from the comfort of your couch in
Hidden Figures is the retelling of the incredible people behind man’s first trip to space, only this time the light is shined on a group of smart, cunning