Solo & Ensemble Page

NEW UPDATES! (2/19/18)

CMS S & E Results 2018

NEW UPDATES! (2/12/18)

I will post the judge’s room list here (as soon as we get it), as well as our ratings after the event.

CMS S & E Schedule 2018

Solo and Ensemble Letter 3 (2018)

S & E final letter 2018

NEW UPDATES! (1/13/18)

This is the letter I sent home on Tuesday. Please ignore the signature portion. I forgot to edit it out before I printed them. Our exact schedule will not be released until the end of January (possibly the 1st week of February). I will post it here when it’s available. You can expect SEVERAL more letters coming your way. 

The $5 entry fee will be due next week. I’ll let the students know the day.

If you are doing a wood wind or brass solo, you need to have an accompanist. I have already plugged you in with Conway’s official accompanist Mrs. Dow. I will pay Mrs. Dow through the band account, soloist can pay her fee to me and I will deposit the funds into the band account. Last year’s accompanist fee was $25.00. I will confirm with Mrs. Dow about this year’s fee.

Solo and Ensemble Letter 1 – 2018