Spring Concert Practice Recordings (5/21 Band, 5/16 & 5/20 Orchestra)

NEW UPDATES (5/10/18)

Coming Soon! Orchestra recordings for the perofmances on 5/16 & 5/20.

NEW UPDATES (5/8/18)

I’ve changed out Sleeping Place of the Stars for Pirates. Full Orchestra recordings for 5/16 & 5/20 will be added Wednesday and Thursday.

NEW UPDATES! (4/26/18)

Below you will find practice recordings of our Spring Concert Music. I finally found where WordPress hid the “insert link” button. I’ve finished converting the titles into clickable links that will take you directly to the recordings. We do not have an exact recording of the WE/SB Cornel Bogy or a complete recording for the BB/CB Name Those Tunes. I will continue to look for them. 

Orchestra 1 Recordings
Eagle’s Pride
Cripple Creek
Orchestra 2 Recordings
Dragon Dances
Bach Suite
Stairway to Heaven
Fiddle Finger Frenzy
Wind Ensemble & Symphonic Band Recordings
Portrait of a Clown
Battle Pavan
Cumberland Cross
Mission Impossible
Pirates of the Caribbean (partial recording)
Colonel Bogey *this is not our arrangement, but its almost exactly the same – just in a rough key with expanded range.
Beginning & Cadet Band Recordings
Liturgical Fanfare
Entry of the Noblemen
African Folk Trilogy
Name Those Tunes
Revenge of the Dust Bunnies
Jazz Band Recordings
Go Daddy-O
Afro Blue
Mercy, Mercy, Mercy
Peter Gunn
Groovin’ Hard

Congratulations! You found another one!!! “Don’t Panic.”
