The Journey of Oliver K. Woodman


The Journey of Oliver K. Woodman


Written by: Darcy Pattison
Illustrated by: Joe Cepeda
Genre: fantasy
Target Skill: Sequence of Events
Target Strategy: Analyze/Evaluate – think about what you read, and form an opinion about it
Essential Question: What happens if you tell story events out of order?
Big Idea: There are many reasons to take a journey

Possessive Nouns and Pronouns – Many people have trouble distinguishing between possessive nouns and plural nouns. Possessive nouns and pronouns demonstrate  ownership or some similar relationship over something else. Plural nouns  indicate more than one person, place or thing.

Target Vocabulary:

sincere, conversations, managed, inspired, loaded, reunion,
 loveliest, currently, terror, pleasure
Vocabulary Strategy: Suffixes -er, -est
 Phonics Skills: Suffixes -ful, -y, -ous, -ly, -er

Comprehension Skills: Sequence of Events — Tell the time order in which events happen

Comprehension Strategy: Analyze/evaluate — think about what you read and then form an opinion about it
 Written Language:
An abbreviation is a short way to write a word. Most abbreviations begin with capital letters and end with periods.
         ex. Monday; August
               Mon. ; Aug.
Places whose names can be abbreviated include roads, streets, lanes, avenues, and boulevards.
         ex. Harrison Rd., Maple St., Elmira Ln., Plainville Ave., and Broad Blvd.


The verb – be –Action Verbs


Cars: The Story of Route 66



