Informational Text
Summary: Philip Currie was tired and thirsty. It was one of the hottest days of the summer. He and his team were looking for the bones of a large meat eating dinosaur called Albertosaurus. Almost 90 years earlier, a famous fossil hunter named Barnum Brown had found the remains of many of these dinosaurs. Would Philip be able to find the remains of Brown’s bone bed? If he did, would he be able to explain why so many of these meat eating dinosaurs died in the same spot? (
Target Skill: Conclusions – use details to figure out ideas that the author doesn’t state
Target Strategy: Visualize – as you read, use selection details to picture what is happening
Essential Question: How can you figure out ideas the author
doesn’t state directly?
Big Idea: Our world is an amazing place!
Adjectives and Articles
The words a, an, and the are special
adjectives called articles.
-Use a and an before singular nouns. Use a before
words that begin with a consonant. Use an before words that begin with a vowel.
-Use the for both singual and plural nouns.
ex. College student dug along (the, an) bank of
a river. The were trying to find (a, an) old village. Long ago, Native Americans built (a, an) town there.
Some adjectives are formed from proper nouns.
-Adjectives that are formed from proper nouns always begin with a capital letter.
ex. We saw some Mexican paintings at the museum. The adjective Mexican is formed from the proper noun Mexico.