Judy Moody Saves the World



Image result for judy moody saves the world

Written by: Megan McDonald

Illustrated by: Peter H. Reynolds
Genre: Humorous fiction
Target Skill: Author’s Purpose – use text details to tell why an author writes a book
Target Strategy: Monitor/Clarify – as you read, find a way to clear up what doesn’t make sense

Essential Question: Why do some authors write funny stories?
Big Idea: Our world is an amazing place!


Adjectives are words that describe, or tell about, a
-Some adjectives tell what kind. An Adjective that tellswhat kind, usually comes before the noun it describes.
We went for a long walk. (What kind of walk?)
-Some adjectives tell how many. An adjective that tellshow many comes before the noun it describes.
She saw three birds in a nest. (How many birds?)
-The adjectives this and that tell “which one.”
You should recycle that can. (Which can?)


Guided Reading Books
The Recycling Contest

Reuse, Reduce, Recycle
Caesar’s Pollution Solution
Science Connection

Chapter 11 Perimeter and Area – Safari Video

11.1 Investigate – Model Perimeter

11-2 Find Perimeter

11-3 Algebra – Find Unknown side Lengths

11-4 Understand Area

11-5 Measure Area

11-6 Use Area Models

Mid-Chapter Checkpoint




