What Do Illustrators Do?

Illustrators do

Written and Illustrated by Eileen Christelow 
Genre: Informational Text
Target Skill: Text and Graphic Features – tell how words and art work together
Target Strategy:  Analyze/Evaulate – think about what you read and form an opinion about it
Essential Question: How do pictures tell you a story?
Big Idea: We communicate in many ways.

Guided Reading
Making Murals
Artists All Around You
Art in Caves

Social Studies Connection
Eric Carle



Verb Tenses

-Present Tense: verbs in the present tense either have an -s ending with a singular subject or do not have -s ending with a plural subject.
-Past Tense: verbs in the past tense have an -ed ending to show past time.
-Future Tense: verbs in the future tense use the helping verb will
ex. An illustrator creates pictures. Present
Illustrators create pictures.  Present
An illustrator created pictures yesterday
The illustrator will create a picture for the new
story.    Future
Verb tenses





