Written by: Susan E. Goodman
Illustrated by: Michael J. Doolittle
Genre: Informational Text
Target Skill: Main Idea and Details – tell important ideas and details about a topic
Target Strategy: Infer/Predict – use clues to figure out more about the selection
Essential Question: Where are main ideas often found in non-fiction text?
Big Idea: Our world is an amazing place.
Contractions – You can put together two words and make acontraction. An apostrophe (‘) takes the place of any letter or letters taht are left out. Many contractions combine a verb with not. The contraction won’t is special. You form it from the words will not and change the spelling.
Ice-skating is not alwasy a lot of fun.
Ice-skating isn’t always a lot of fun.
The air was not very warm last night.
The air wasn’t very warm last night.
You can put a pronoun and a verb together into one word to make a contraction. An apostrophe replaces the letter or letter that are left out.
My aunt says that she is afraid of snow.
My aunt says that she’s afraid of snow.
We will drive her home tomorrow.
We’ll drive her home tomorrow.
Guided Reading Books
Watch Out Polar Bears
Living in Trees
Social Studies Connection
latitude and longitude
North Pole
South Pole