This Is Kindergarten Work??? Seriously? Yes, seriously… but fun too!

Kindergarten has changed!!! Oh yes!

Kindergarten has changed very much over the past few years. Many more traditionally 1st Grade skills have trickled down to Kindergarten. Some skills like counting money and telling time have shifted up to Second Grade! All of this was done to bring what our students learn in Florida level with what students are learning in the same grade across the country. Here’s a link to help you catch up to what Kindergarten looks like these days.

Interdisciplinary Day – STEM Learning
One of the biggest shifts in recent years has been a focus on helping students learn teamwork skills both in everyday class lessons and in large scale problem solving situations. We have an Interdisciplinary Day coming up on October 8th. Students will be using teamwork and problem solving skills as well as the engineering process to collaboratively solve a real-world problem. All subjects will be woven together throughout the day as they work on solving the problem.

Homework has changed greatly in Kindergarten as well. Here’s a homework link to support you as you help your student.

Math! – What’s a ten Frame and How do I use it? What is subitizing???
Kindergarten math has more focus on number sense and problem solving. We use tools such as the 100 Number Grid and ten-frames with counters. And there are relatively new concepts to consider such as SUBITIZING!
Subitizing is the ability to quickly identify the number of items in a small set without counting. Researchers have demonstrated a strong relationship between subitizing skill and overall achievement in math.

Subitizing video (Caution: Your child will probably start yelling the numbers at the screen – Kindergarteners get THAT excited!)

This one helps the childen focus super fast!

Introduction to Ten Frames

Ways to make a number (Making combinations) Parents note: Error in the video 1 and 2, and 2 and 1 are considered different combinations, so there are 4 combinations of three. They are 0 and 3,1 and 2, 2 and 1, 3 and 0.

The Friends of Ten (number combinations to make ten)

Remember parents that you can always contact me personally if you have any questions about your child’s homework.
E-mail me:
… or call 407-249-6300 ext. 4421
…or stop by room 201 with or without your child for a quick tutorial in person! I’m at school planning most afternoons until 6:30.

See you soon!
Mrs. Crocker

Parents as with all web links, please be near your child. Those pop ups and ads can be ANYTHING!






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