End of Year Exams are Coming! Prepare NOW!!!

Exam Skills Practice Links MAY 2017

A NEW video (warmup/nwea.org) explaining how your child takes online tests – specifically MAP – has been added to this document!

Click the link above (Exam Skills Practice Links – MAY 2017) to find videos to help your child study for our upcoming exams! Choose links to skills that YOUR child needs to improve!

Study Links are for Math Skills, Language Arts Skills, Phonics Skills, Reading Skills and Mouse/Keyboarding Skills.

 Some of the skills linked are 1st and 2nd grade skills as YOUR child may be working on higher level skills on I-Ready.  Parents please remember your child has access to I-Ready at home through Launchpad.

MAP exams begin May 11th and continue until May 31! These are state level tests.

Please remind your child to take the test slowly and click on ALL speaker icons on each question of the test. Students should listen to ALL answer choices before selecting a final answer.

  Mouse skills are VERY IMPORTANT to being able to accurately drag and drop answer selections.

 Use minimouse.us to practice these Mouse Skills.


Good luck with your studies and on your Exams!



Mrs. Crocker






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