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    Please help your child practice MOUSE and KEYBOARDING skills. Suggested websites are below. Remember that using a tablet, while helpful, does not prepare a student to use a computer mouse and keyboard. Suggestions for: MOUSE SKILLS PRACTICE ACTIVITIES: Have students practice moving the mouse. Explain how they are moving the arrow by moving their hand.…

  • Welcome to Kindergarten!

    Welcome to Kindergarten!   Meet the Teacher is on Thursday, August 20th, from 3-5pm! The First Day of School begins on Monday, August 24th! Please bring all school supplies by the end of the first week of school. Thanks and see you soon! XXOO, :O) Mrs. Crocker Kindergarten Supply List 2015-2016

  • Practice Cards for Rainbow Math Facts and Sight Words

    Practice with Rainbow Sets to become fluent with your Math facts and Sight Words!  Check out Rainbow Math facts and Rainbow Sight words attached!! Rainbow Sight Words Sets Rainbow Math Facts Sets

  • Summer Newsletter – Bored… Here’s some STUFF TO DO!!!

      Hi Parents! On the second day of summer vacation you’ll hear, “I’m soooo bored what can I do??!!??  Here it is! (Click the link below) Summer Newsletter  June, 2015   Remember: Report Cards are available for pick up at school on June 18th!   Have a great summer! :O) Mrs. Crocker

  • When Two Vowels Go Walking