Day 1 :)

Day 1 of 2nd grade was a huge success! The kids did AMAZING with the flexible seating and were so eager to learn about our classroom. I couldn’t have asked for a better first day!

We were very fortunate to have several parents come in this morning to help assemble our KOALA Books. This was a big job and they all deserve a HUGE thank you! At the front of the KOALA Book you will find an explanation of the different sections of the binder. The KOALA Book helps develop organizational skills and promotes responsibility. Please check the KOALA Book each night with your child, paying close attention to the front and back pockets. Homework will go in the front pocket and any important papers from school that might need to be returned will be in the back pocket. Today I sent home a “Tell Me About Your Child” sheet that I told the students was “parent homework.” This form provides me with a lot of valuable information that will help me best teach your child. Please complete the form and return it to school as soon as possible.

If you have any questions about the KOALA Book, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

A KOALA Book explanation is also available right here on our class website:

Tonight’s homework is a self-portrait that will be on display in our hallway all year long. It is not due until Friday, so you have plenty of time get creative! Here are the directions, as well as some inspiration pictures.

Homework Log Aug 15 PDF

Self Portrait Directions

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