Principal Dr. Paduano and the Beta Club Officers stood proud, ready to congratulate every Beta Club Inductee that walked across the stage.

Beta Inductions

By Veronica Arroyo

Beta Club is an academic organization for 4th through 12th grade students within the United States. The purpose of the organization is “to promote the ideals of academic achievement, character, leadership and service among elementary and secondary students”. Beta Club’s overall mission is to lead by serving others. At Timber Creek High School the Beta Club Organization is made up of more than 200 members, with each member striving to make an impact within the community.

Although there is an abundant amount of Beta members at Timber Creek High School, not every student is invited to join. Each Beta club member has to endure a rigorous process in order to become part of the organization. With two excellent essays and countless teacher recommendations, a student can then be accepted into the TCHS Beta Club. Once a student becomes a Beta member, they are invited to attend the Beta Club Induction, to be officially recognized as a member of the National Beta Organization.

This year the Beta Club Induction took place on Monday, January 30th, 2017 at 6:30pm in the PAC. All incoming Beta Members were asked to invite their families to watch them take part in the Induction. Upon arrival, all the new Beta Club members were asked to line up in alphabetical order (with the help of notecards). Each student was given a candlestick for the candlelight ceremony that would take place during the ceremony. Once the ceremony began students were ushered in by beta club officers. Walking down the passageways of the PAC you could immediately see the flashes of cameras and hear the loud cheers of the proud parents in attendance. The Beta club inductees were then seated in a designated area, after the recital of the pledge of allegiance. Students and parents alike heard speeches from Principal Dr. Paduano, and Beta Club President Kaylee Estoesta, with each praising the wonderful leadership and academic qualities that the incoming beta Club members possessed. After the intriguing speeches, the remaining Beta Club Officers commenced the candlelight ceremony, with each candle symbolizing different aspects, characteristics, and attributes of the National Beta Club Organization. Then, they walked down the passageways of the PAC lighting each candle of the Beta Club Inductees. Soon after all Inductees raised their right hand and took the Beta Club Oath, officially inducting them into the National Beta Club Organization. Each student was then presented to the audience, walking across the stage, and accepting a handshake from Dr. Paduano, a certificate, and a Beta club pin, to officially symbolize their acceptance into the Beta Club organization.

The most memorable aspect of the Beta Club Induction occurred at the end. After the ceremony, all new beta club members were asked to sign a booklet that included all of the previous inductees, ever since the Beta Club Organization began in 2001 with 15 members.

Many find the Beta Club Induction the most memorable part of the school year. Beta Club Vice President Emma Goldberg says she looks forward to the Beta Club Induction every year ever since she took part in it last year. The beta club inductions was one of the events that made her interested in becoming the Beta Club Vice President as she wanted to take part in organizing the event, to make it enjoyable to others as much as she enjoyed her own induction.

The Beta Inductions were an important part of the Beta Calendar year. Nothing made more of an impact than the smiles on the new members faces and the proud looks on their parents’ faces. Tradition gets passed down from generation to generation, and with each new incoming member the livelihood of leading by serving others will live on forever.

Principal Dr. Paduano and the Beta Club Officers stood proud, ready to congratulate every Beta Club Inductee that walked across the stage.