The following members of the TCHS Speech and Debate Team had placed in this weekends’ (Saturday Nov.1) Blue Key Speech and Debate tournament at the University of Florida. Brandon Manbahal placed third in the Lincoln Douglas Debate Round. Brendan Lutz and Ian Pesante made Semifinals in Duo Interpretation.  Alan Nguyen also made semifinals in Congressional Debate, as well as a bid to the Tournament of Champions. Gabriella Estrada and Faith Kirwan made Quarterfinals  in the Novice Public Forum Debate . Kayla Hansen made Quarterfinals in Novice Lincoln Douglas Debate. Ian Pesante also made quarterfinals in Humorous Presantation . Brandon Mahanbal made Octofinals in Varsity Lincoln Douglas Debate . And finally ,Sofia Nachon and Jody Herrera made octofinals Novice Public Forum Debate.DEBATETEAMPIC

By Emily Torres

Hey ! I'm Emily . Or Em . Or whatever you'd prefer to call me . I'm just another writer in the TC Tribune and the blogger for "The Girls Bathroom".