Timber Creek Band Program had the tremendous honor of representing Timber Creek High School in Washington D.C. over spring break.  Specifically, we were honored to have had the opportunity to lay a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery.  I have attached a couple of pictures – one of the wreath with senior band students Colin Laird, Emma O’Halloran and Brian Huang, and another of the wreath laying ceremony itself.  I was so proud of how professional these 3 students were and how they represented Timber Creek, and of all 100+ band students that attended the viewing – they treated the moment with the reverence and respect our nation’s military deserves.

The students attended a National Symphony Orchestra concert at Kennedy Center of Gustav Mahler’s Symphony No. 9, then the next morning our students performed in a clinic with members of the National Symphony Orchestra and the D.C.-based Armed Services Bands.  We visited most of the monuments in D.C. and many of the museums, including a very moving visit to the Holocaust Museum.

For more information contact:

Rhett Cox

Director of Bands

Timber Creek High School

1001 Avalon Park Blvd.

Orlando, FL 382828



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