
After 14 long years, the TC Tribune bids farewell to their print newspaper for good. Limited advertising sales and low student enrollment led to the complete adjournment of newspaper. Starting from the next year, the staff will be developing a digital edition of the paper under the guidance of.
Most students are unaware that the school does not fund the Tribune. Because of this, staff writers are able to write any article of their choice without any authoritarian influence from the school. But because of the low funding from advertisements, Newspaper is officially off of the elective class roster for the upcoming year.
Even professional newspapers are struggling to pay for print cost because a majority of readers use television and social media to acquire major news stories. In recent years, professional newspaper bankruptcy and cutbacks have risen tremendously, leading to the elimination of journalism jobs.
TC students who wish to seek a Journalistic career are now hindered of improving their writing skills and will be more interactive with the computer software that is crucial for the newspaper. Being a part of the staff involves an extensive amount of work on improving on their interviewing skills, working with the computer software, and  gaining experience with designing a page. With the deferral of newspaper, students will no longer have the opportunity to advance in these skills. Now that the Newspaper has been deleted out of the elective course list, journalism students who would like to continue with journalism have the option go to yearbook.

Whether or not the school newspaper will ever be issued again is questionable, but until then, the staff decisively bids farewell to the TC Tribune.

By Rabeea Rehman

Write without fear, edit without mercy.