Filled with merriment, tragedy, and cultural clashes, 2014 affected us all— for better or worse. In a technology-driven age where individuals gravitate to their smartphones like flies to honey, teens are constantly exposed to domestic and international news. With the school year quickly coming to an end, one rewinds, reviews, and reflects— the “three ‘R’s’”— on 2014’s major, memorable events.

  1. Ebola’s reign of terror

The 2014 Ebola Epidemic instilled fear in the international community, as the world became increasingly connected due to modern forms of transportation. First reported in West Africa, cases of Ebola later reached the U.S., Norway, Italy, France, and other European states.

Check out: “Ebola Outbreak: Should Americans be concerned?”

  1. Skin and blood

   Since the previous year, race relations in the state reached a boiling point, with altercations between white police officers and black individuals brought under the American media’s spotlight. One prominent case, the shooting of unarmed black youth Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo., catalyzed a long series of national protests against police brutality and profiling.

Check out: “Police shootings get out of control”  

  1. Terrorism after “Geronimo”

   The Navy SEAL Team Six’s killing of Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden did not eradicate terrorism in the Middle East, with the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) as proof. Also known as the Islamic State (IS), ISIL captured the nation’s attention after decapitating American journalist James Foley, posting footage of the execution on YouTube on Aug. 19.

  1. Farewell to a comedy legend

Beloved comedian Robin Williams, who starred films such as “Jumanji” and “Good Will Hunting,” committed suicide at his Northern California home on Aug. 11. He died at age 63.

Check out: “Remembering Robin Williams”

  1. Force off the field

   Cases of domestic violence amongst NFL players came to prominence with TMZ’s release of a video capturing Baltimore Ravens’ running back Ray Rice striking then-fiancée Janay Palmer.

Check out: “What happens on the field, should stay on the field”

  1. Evolution of matrimony

   In 2014, gay marriage was legalized in Oregon, Pennsylvania, Kansas, and South Carolina. Florida became the 36th state to legalize gay marriage in 2015.

Check out: “Another step towards the finish line”

  1. FIFA fanfare

   Soccer aficionados across the globe followed the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil. Germany won 1-0 against Argentina in the final match (Jul. 13), with player Mario Gotze scoring the winning goal.

  1. Tragedy in the skies

   Last March, Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 went missing, flying from Kuala      Lumpur to Beijing. Although search efforts continue, the Malaysian government officially acknowledged flight MH370’s disappearance, with its 239 passengers now assumed dead.   

  1. Cuba and U.S. break the ice

   President Obama ordered to fully reestablish political relations with Cuba and announced plans to open an embassy in Havana last December.

**Note: All mentioned articles can be found on

   Highest grossing movies:

  1. “Transformers: Age of Extinction”
  2. “The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies”
  3. “Guardians of the Galaxy”

Best-selling albums:

  1. Taylor Swift- “1989”
  2. Various artists- “Frozen (Original Motion Picture)”
  3. Sam Smith- “In the Lonely Hour”

Best-selling books:

  1. John Green- “The Fault in Our Stars”
  2. Jeff Kinney- “The Long Haul”
  3. Veronica Roth- “Divergent”